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Everything posted by QDMAworks4me

  1. Maybe tonight will be a lot better!! If not I will give you like 20 bucks for your new QAD rest :eek: just kidding, (I will give you 15)
  2. Marc last night when you were shooting your new rest, release and new string loop you didnt seem to impressed I think all the changes you made will be something you really like once you get used to it and figure out your new anchor point.
  3. To bad your neighbors shoot all the deer on you oh wait that would be me!!
  4. QDMAworks4me

    Tea Party

    OH boy, thats sick
  5. Some people are scum, they want what everyone else has and when they can't get it they just take it!!! In this case it is obviously money they are after and it is really to bad. I hope they catch the scum bag and lock them up. With that amount of stuff stolen they will probably do at least a little time, but hopefully a lot of time. I will keep an eye out for the bows myself.
  6. Here is my 72 chevy that I drive in the summer time. In the background you can see a few of my other vehicles. I also have a 78 elcamino a 88 Ford f 150 and my 1995 AWD Subaru Wagon. The only other vehicle that I own and don't have pictured is a 64 volkswagon Dunebuggy. I will have to dig a picture up and post it later. Here is another vehicle I drive around sometimes
  7. I have a rip cord and really like it. I had a WB and did not like it at all. If I were to suggest a new drop away it would be the QAD ultra rest everyone is talking about for the simple fact that you can let the bow down without the arrow falling out of the rest.
  8. I have always thought about this questions also, because children learn a lot while just trying to hold the bow the first few times, do you add another thing for them to learn. I guess I would try it with the realease and teach them the correct things all at once and see how it goes. The pro shop here always seems to start children with a realease and actually they do really well. They probably learn quicker than we do anyways
  9. Did you have a sleep study in the hospital? You should have a sleep study where they monitor you and your oxygen levels so they can set the right pressure for you. You should not have to figure it out on your own. The pressure on mine is perfect and I have had no problems.
  10. I feel your pain.... I went through the same thing not to long ago. I had not been sleeping well for about 4 years, up all night long and had no idea what was going on. It affected my hole life. I woke up in the morning more tired than I ever was when I went to bed. If anyone who does not have sleep apneia can imagine, take your worst night of rest that you have ever had and wake up like that every day. It was horrible. I finally talked to a doctor and they had me do a sleep study and found out that I stopped breathing hundreds of time during the night, and every time you stop breathing you wake up, your brain never got fully rested because it was awake saying "you are not breathing, WAKE UP" As far as the machine goes I know people who have tried it and hated it and refuse to wear it. I got some great advice that my Dr. gave to me about it, she said I realize that it may be hard to get used to but you have to understand that everynight yor body is not getting the right amount of oxygen so after a period of time your body is going to suffer. It is important that you get used to this so that it doesnt shorten your life over a period of time. Knowing this I decided that I was going to make sure that it worked for me. I use it know and Love it. I use a mask that just covers my nasal passage and does not cover my outh, it is nice. My machine is so quiet also. Make sure to use distilled water also so the minerals from tap water do not build up in th machine. Another thing that you may want to do is wrap your cpap tube with some sort of insulator. I have one that has a built in humidifier and because of the moisture that it creates I had what is called rainout occur. That is where you have a difference in temperature between the moisture in your tube and the temperature of your room and basicly caused moisture in the tube that when you breather in went in your nose, that was a pleasent feeling the first few times that happened in the middle of the night let me tell you You can buy one or I had my mom sew up a piece of fleece and put it on myself. If the Dr. took the time to set the machine up for you life should be getting better for you very soon. I would be happy to share anymore tips and tricks with you if you have any questions just let me know. Good luck!!
  11. QDMAworks4me


    Who watched the season premiere last night of Axmen? I did and it was good IMO but I wish they had all the same crew from last year, instead of just the two. What did everyone think?
  12. Ken, I would look at the Mathews Ignition also, it can go from 19" draw length all the way up to a 26" draw length. It is supposed to be a youth bow that is designed for kids to grow with.
  13. Well I finally remembered to get a picture of the tag and post up my buck, I know it has taken forever this year . Is anyone still hunting?
  14. Here is another picture of the snow bank in my front yard. The Bank is actually taller now but the bank is at least 10 feet tall in that picture It has been a long time since we have had snow like this around here.
  15. It's been snowing here since November, to be honest I am getting really sick of it!!! We are supposed to get another foot today. Here is a picture if my snowblower from the other day in my driveway. The snow was over the schute of my blower. We are very close to 200" of snow so far this year btw and we are not even to the end of January yet!!
  16. Hey guys, I have to get a pic of my tag to post, have the pic of the buck but will get the tag soon. I will make sure to get it up soon. Sorry for taking so long. Season is over here and I am already planning for the next one
  17. I do not do it on purpose but I still call it a Robinhood. I hate doing it though because at 12 bucks an arrow or so it gets pretty expensive
  18. I joined the day after the election, the phones were ringing off the hook the day after and the internet was so busy the server was down and could not take memberships at that time so I called.