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Everything posted by QDMAworks4me

  1. Sounds like a good deal to me.
  2. Congrats!!! Pretty little girl, glad everyone is doing well
  3. I was going to write that I finally became a moron, but I figured you guys would have a lot more fun calling me one
  4. Well I guess it is about to happen, with this post I hit the 2000 mark!! I guess that is as big of a rack as I am going to get
  5. Hope you have a good one!!
  6. Wowzeers!!! Now thats a hole haha.
  7. If it was me I would keep looking and see what I can find. She may be right there in a little dip in the earth or something. They hide very well. If you got her right behind the shoulders than she is toasted somehwere. Good luck finding her. As far as the scent give it a few days and hope for a little rain and things will be back to normal, I wouldnt worry to much. Deer are creatures of habbitt and they may vacate the area for a day or two but they will be back. Again good luck!!
  8. thanks for sharing the picture.
  9. I have seen it before but it still makes me think of a few people that I know, and the fact that they might try it haha
  10. HAHA such simple humor, I like it
  11. I have to agree that Elite xc is no where near as well put together as WEC or UFC. I read an article that CBS was working with the UFC to put there fights on CBS and it did not work out. I think CBS wanted to get in on MMA and went with what they could get there hands on. The Elite XC is kind of poor and there really is no comparison to the PPV events. If you have just watched Elite XC and not the UFC or WEC than you might wonder what the MMA is all about, but if you watch a PPV event or a WEC event on Versus you will have a hole new respect for MMA in my pinion. I truly like watching the talent of some of these guys and give them a lot of credit for following a dream to be the best in the world at what they do. As far as Kimbo, I don't think that he will be a big contender against the heavyweights of the UFC if he ever makes that transistion. The Elite XC seems to be where most of the guys who have passed there prime have gone after the UFC. Now they are looking at Tito Ortiz who is now a free agent and from what I hear UFC does not want to give a contract to. I think that the MMA is here to stay and is not a passing fad, if you go anywhere around here that is showing a PPV event for MMA the place is packed with people waiting at the door every single time.
  12. I am sure you are right on that one. People need to lighten up!!!
  13. Great story, that sounds like it would have been a great time for dad
  14. I hate to say it but I think Lynn is right :D, he is a good guy to listen to he has speant a few days of his life figuring out food plots!! Brassicas are a very easy seed to get good results with.
  15. HAHA :D The rabbit was probably thinking man this guy plays a little rough!!
  16. HAHA that is funny stuff. I would never have guessed that a cat would travel that far.
  17. Well if nothing else you can say you saw something that night!! May not have been what you wanted to see but hey it was probably a good show
  18. You looked like you had been at a rodeo this morning when you walked in to school Joe :D