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Everything posted by Randy

  1. I sure hope eveything works out for ya!
  2. Sounds like you have a great day planned!! On a side note, my buddy dropped a sheet of plywood and the corner landed on his big toe yesterday! The nail will probably come off today already! I'm not showing him any sympathy either! :D
  3. :eek: First off, that's gross!! :D:D As for a name, how about "shortcake".
  4. Randy

    Got some bad news!

    Prayers sent for your dad bud.
  5. :eek::eek: Now why would you go and ruin an awesome meal?? :D
  6. LOL You just gotta love the voices of little boys!! The voice is actually my son Averys.
  7. Whoa!! Beautiful pic Luke!! I'm thinking someones trying to tell you something!!
  8. Randy

    Need Help!

    Got a shop vac? Suck them buggers out of there and spray a little wasp killer in the hose periodically it works great, they have to walk out of the hole before they can fly and the vac will get them... BTW, wait til dark and you'l get them all.
  9. I'm waiting patiently at the edge of my seat...
  10. Anybody familiar with the Big Horn III from Cabelas? I'm thinking this is the route I'm heading...
  11. I hope you have a great day!!
  12. Remind me to stop posting pics on here... :D
  13. Here's to many, many more! Congrats!
  14. I'll make sure to tell Avery you said that.
  15. Randy

    What a Trip!

    It's nice to have ya back Orlan. You should have swung through Wisconsin!!
  16. Maybe a lil lucky leprechaun can help ya out...
  17. You know me,.... I always have something smart to say!! Fortunately, in this case, if the trip is paid for and I can take your place, I can help ya bro! I do however hope that whatever it is that is wrong, gets better real soon. I'll send a lil prayer for ya!
  18. I wonder if this buck realizes his days are numbered? He's down to 32 days and a wakeup!!
  19. Thanks for the updates! Go get him Kathleen!!
  20. Randy

    Happy Bday Wildside!!!

    I hope you had a great day, Happy Birthday!
  21. Prayers sent Lou...
  22. I didn't want you to get all your birthday wishes on the same day so I figured I'd wait til today to wish you a happy birthday!!
  23. You got a spare room I can rent? Oh, with meals of course!