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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Sounds like you had a rough day, I'm glad you're ok!
  2. Believe me,.........I feel your pain...
  3. Randy


    Come on Luke, you got to admit Olran's like the crabby uncle everybody has! You got to just love him!!
  4. Yeah, I'm better now... I had to work today and after work I had to shingle for 5 hours, now I'm tired, hungry, and crabby again! Maybe I ought to get some psychological help?
  5. Prayers said for him and the rest of the family...
  6. Randy


    Do you suppose that this nice extended vacation of his will make him a bit less grumpy??? :confused: I sure hope not!! :D
  7. Someones going to need a big deep fryer for that thing!
  8. Randy


    One is definitely better than none, At least you'll get a little taste!
  9. This is going to be good! I can't wait to hear the play by play! Good Luck Kathleen!!
  10. I hunt on 120 acres and between the three of us hunting we killed 2 bucks and 19 doe. I think we're gaining ground on em now!
  11. We're all cheering you on for a great hunt! Prayers sent for a safe trip.
  12. Bow season is getting close and I want to go hang a few more stands this morning before it gets too hot. The old duffer next door has been begging me to go to the hunting land to shoot his crossbow. So, I just got off the phone with him and he says he needs to go get groceries first but shoot be able to go around 8:30, or 9:00. Seems every time I ask him to do something he always has to get something done first. On the other hand, I get a lecture for not asking him to go along. Ok, I'm done with my ranting now... Hang on a minute, one more rant for today! I figured I had time for a bowl of raisin bran (to keep me regular in my old age) being as how I have to wait a while. So, I poured my bowl and went to the fridge to get some milk and wouldn't you know it, it's gone. My daughter drank the last of it this morning. I'm going back to bed now and maybe I'll try getting out of the other side when I wake up...
  13. Did you catch any fish and what did the other duck look like?
  14. Randy

    A couple more mounts

    Nice paint job! I like the glass for the water as well.
  15. Don't worry, we won't hold it against you... Congrats on the new bow!
  16. An 11# coho is a big fish!! Congrats buddy! Not bad eating either...
  17. Randy


    Got a video cam? Go sit in a tree and shoot video, it can be just, or even more rewarding than the kill anyways. If it's venison you want, you can drive right? Let me know how many you want and come and get them. I'll cut them up for ya!
  18. Randy

    Morning coffee...

    Guilty as charged! I checked mine as well!! LOL
  19. Randy

    Morning coffee...

    LMBO!! No kittys here!
  20. Nice pic Ken, I'm sure it will look great next to that rug!
  21. One of these days,........I'm going to Alaska!!
  22. Randy


    It's in my sig..