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Everything posted by Randy

  1. LOL, It's kind of like a little guy in your chest with a jack hammer! It doesn't really "hurt", but all you can think about is "when is this going to stop!!!"
  2. Randy

    Man is it HOT!

    Pretty warm here today too, I'm ready for fall...
  3. Randy

    CT Results....

    Good to hear Chris, prayers sent.
  4. I caught this 52 1/4" Musky last July on LOTW Canada on a figure eight. Yesterday I picked up the replica.
  5. Happy Birthday bud!! I hope you have a great day.
  6. Randy


    Steve is definitely a "class act". I have also been humbled by his unselfish generosity. I can't wait to meet him as well one day.
  7. Well guys, I am truly sorry for my lack of participation. I did hunt and only was able to go 4 out of 5 days. I had a few close encounters with the same Tom hanging up at around 60-70 yards but I couldn't close the deal. I know there was a lot of distention amongst some of the members here for their lack of participation with the deer contest. I don't want to be one of those guys but, I have a lot of personal things going on with my life right now and just haven't taken the time to sit down and participate. In the beginning of the contest I looked forward to get to know all of you, now here it is the middle of June and I don't know any of you. I hope you accept my apologies and Congrats to all of you that got your bird. Randy
  8. Randy

    Happy Birthday Chrud

    Sorry I missed your B-day Matt, I hope you had a great day!
  9. Definitely great advice to live by!! :D All joking aside, Kyle I wish you nothing but the best in your future.
  10. Randy

    i got home

    I'd have gone fishing but, to each their own!!! LMBO!!
  11. Prayers sent Martin...
  12. Randy

    Happy Birthday Casey

    Happy Birthday Bud!! I hope you have a great day!
  13. Sorry I haven't checked in for a whle, I feel like I've been getting spun in a hundred different directions lately. I'm not sure why,.....I haven't done anything productive! Anyways, My season starts Wednesday. I'll see what I can do to put a few more points on the board.
  14. I hang my stands early and leave them out in the woods until after season. That means they could spend as much as 6 months out in the elements. I prefer the chain ons, I have both but after using the straps and seeing all the tree sap on them I wonder to myself, how long will these straps last and how will I know if they are getting bad. I'd hate to find out they are bad and find myself hanging from my safely strap 22 feet up in a tree. Just my $ .02
  15. The walleyes are spawning here already, I think by the end of next week they ought to be heading back to the lakes and really hungry for a jig and a fathead!!
  16. Randy

    beginner question?

    All you need is a sensitive 6' 6" med light graphite rod and I prefer Pflueger reels with 6# test line. I think we can fill your freezer in a couple days this spring with that set-up.....
  17. PM sent, I think she hit the burst button.......
  18. Congrats on the Anniversary!! I've been married 11 years......
  19. I tried to blow them up and sharpen them but, They don't look as good as I would have liked.
  20. Ditto!! I am trying to post pics but,...........I think I messed them up!!
  21. Happy Birthday bud! I hope your day was great!
  22. That sounds great Shaun, I hope everything works out for you...
  23. I had a friend take some really cool pics but, unfortunately I think she mess up and took video instead. The pics are in a "tiled" look and I'm not sure what to do. Please help....