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Everything posted by Randy

  1. I think he's been airbrushed!!
  2. Haven't seen one here yet but, with all the snow we've had I can only imagine how bad they will be this year....
  3. You better to it REALLY sloppy!! Here's a sample of my Photochopping abilities!!
  4. Sweet!!! Hey chris get Luke first so I can atleast get one good last laugh!!
  5. You had to wait until it hit 41 degrees to start the grill??? I figure if it's above zero it's warm enough!
  6. See,.......All I had to do was think about it and Andrea showed up!!
  7. Just hit reply and say something you shouldn't and someone will show up!!
  8. I think you need to yell louder,....... Use more exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Seems we can't ever find one when we want one but, if there's a banning there seems to always be one around before Ken gets a chance to see it......
  10. I have the Leupold Cascades, $329.99 and my buddy has the Nikon Monarchs, $319.99. I would say little if any difference between the two. Both great Binos....
  11. He's talking to YOU Andrea!! :D
  12. Sounds like you have them pointed in the right direction.
  13. I just about spit coffee all over my screen!! That is hilarious!!! :D
  14. Sheesh with all this new technology, you can't even say the dog ate your homework nowadays.......:rolleyes:
  15. Can you say,.........RT GET TOGETHER AT AL'S!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D
  16. Randy

    On a roll...

    WTG Ruth!! Let me see, you hunt, you fish, you tie your own flys, you are really smart, and oh yeah,.........I'm already married....:D
  17. Sorry to hear this Orlan, I keep all involved in my thoughts.
  18. Happy Birthday Buddy! I wish you nothing but the best!!
  19. My 2 1/2 year old daughter Autumn, is normally a little tease and a bit on the sassy side. Sometimes she won't even give me hugs and kisses before bed because she thinks it's funny to tease dad. Well this morning I was sitting here in the dark checking out a few threads and out she comes and climbs right up on my lap. She reached around my neck and tucks her head right under my chin. She sat on my lap cuddling for about a half an hour. It's truly amazing how kids can make your day so much better....
  20. Randy

    Got my letter

    Excellent!! Better start working on your interview!