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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Sounds great, I had them last night!! Great minds think alike eh?? :D
  2. Neat pic Ruth! Thanks for sharing!!
  3. Hey Swampy!!! You better get on here or your going to miss it!!
  4. Sounds like a fun trip!!
  5. This is my daughter Autumn about a year ago trying to eat Spaghetti O's. This is my son Avery driving the "old mans" boat. Autumn is trying to find out where we are on my GPS!
  6. Randy


    I told my wife she could only shower once a week, You can't imagine how much the water bill went down!!! :D
  7. Yeah,.........I think we can work something out.
  8. Randy

    Look what I got

  9. I have room in my freezer for the bacon!! (I'll just push some of the walleyes to the side )
  10. Randy


    Dang,......you mean I get to come back again?? Swampy is going to be mad if he doesn't get to see a good banning!!
  11. Randy


    That's awesome!! Congrats! Prayers sent for a normal pregnancy...
  12. Randy

    whats for supper??

    Is it ok to have Walleye twice in one week???
  13. Not really for sure but I'd guess around 35-40. I killed five last year, and have bowhunted for 22 years.
  14. Randy


    and here all this time I thought you didn't have a lick of common sense!!! I guess I have to admit I was wrong about you!! :D:D
  15. Randy

    Prayer request

    Glad the surgery went well.
  16. Randy

    Look what I got

    If you all like duck, you all like liver!! Not a bit of diference other than liver may be a bit slimy!! :D Woodies are one of my favorite ducks Andrea, They come right after pintails and right before widgeon!
  17. Prison Hamburger.........:rolleyes:
  18. i'm 35% Yankee!! LOL http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligencerreport/yankee_dixie_quiz.html
  19. LMBO!! I'm so poor I usually can't even pay attention!
  20. Randy

    made it a year

    WTG Mike!! That isn't easy to do!