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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Great pics Jeff, it looks like everything is going great.
  2. I use the Yukon from Cabelas and really like it. It has a screw-in mount as I sit in a couple really big oaks that the Straps will not reach around. The only probem I've found with it, it's not long enough. My advice is find one that sticks out away from the tree as far as possible. Remember that the camera will most likely be mounted just above your waist height and dierctly behind you. That means that the arm has to go out towards the side before it can come out in front of you. If you trying to video yourself, get the longest, sturdiest arm you can afford.
  3. Don't forget the "shrooms" and during the last 15 min. or so, throw in some snowpeas! Also like William said, try the Italian dressing. Mmmm, Mmmm!!
  4. Happy Birthday Tim. I hope your day was great!
  5. Randy

    New Member

    Welcome aboard!!
  6. Happy Birthday Samantha!!
  7. That's a heck of a nice crappie. Kudos to you for taking you sisters fishing.
  8. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  9. Now that's a mess of Walleyes!! Nice!! You better hope Steve Beilgard doesn't see this, you'll be sending him some fillets!!
  10. Great post, thank you for sharing it with us.
  11. Randy


    I'd have to sell my Harley and first born to pay those prices!! WOW! Anyways, I'll bet your son will have a great time and learn some interesting things.
  12. Thanks for the chuckle, I needed that...
  13. Nice buck! Welcome to the RT campfire.
  14. That's a bunch of BULL!! Congrats to dad!!
  15. Make it out of PVC, it is much easier to work with and just as effective. I used to just make a rectangle and put "T's" at the corners. Then you take the PVC drains, flip them upside down and screw them to the boat. Use the proper connections to make the legs so you can thread them into the upside down drains and pick up the rectangle piece andset the "T's" on the legs. It worked good and it was lightweight and cheap to build. Good luck Bud!
  16. I prefer a Modified choke as I will only shoot them if they work my blocks. If I don't beat them, they live....
  17. Now THAT, is a handsome deer....
  18. Very sad news, prayers said.
  19. I don't see any coffee enemas in there??? Have a great week Ruth!
  20. I'd imagine he flew out of the country to buy her some exotic chocolate or something... Women always seem to ruin the suprise...
  21. I'm glad to hear the surgery went well.
  22. I tried to take a better picture but I just can't get one to show how nice of a job he really did. The replica is actually the same size as the fish but the fish is in an S-curve position. Same exact bait. I put the bait in the mouth and used a thumb tack to the ceiling to attach the line. No story, I just tried to show how big the fish really is. The pics just don't do it any justice.