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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Congrats Washi!! You deserve it, that's one heck of a great buck!!
  2. Sounds like a heck of a deal! Hopefully you can get out and shoot it!
  3. Randy


    Yes he is!! The problem is, now that I caught him, I'm not real sure what to do with him!! :D
  4. Randy

    Easter dinner?

    it all depends what's on the prison menu for the day........
  5. Huh,.....interesting. What I'm getting out of this thread so far is, it really doesn't matter how big or small of a gun you use. It's a matter of shot placement and bullet construction. Am I correct? A bigger gun won't necessarily put them on their butt any faster than a smaller one with the same shot placement......
  6. Awesome mount and animal!! Congrats bud!! One of these days I'm going to get a speedgoat! I have Mulies on the brain first though!
  7. I had just started a thread in politics asking about this, Thanks for posting Joe.
  8. Someone told me there was a hearing on banning guns in Supreme court today. Any truth to this and if so, which state?
  9. I'm not sure what you were so worried about Kathleen, I think you were cute!
  10. Sheesh, that's a lot of rain!
  11. I'd come and help ya for $5 an hour......... Only stipulation,.......Me, and your favorite bow stand (you know, the one you shoot all them big bucks out of) are going to get to know each other really well!! :D
  12. Randy


    Welcome to the RT campfire!
  13. ranchand99, those are some neat pics. Way different world down south from up here. I give you alot of credit for sticking too it, if I had that much competition, I think I'd go home!
  14. Sounds like you both had a interesting start to the season. Good luck guys!
  15. Randy

    Popping Breakers...

    Yep, just when I start the saw. Oddly I've been using it all day today, without a problem. I don't understand it, I have a brand new 100amp service in the garage, and the tunes are cranked! It tripped three times yesterday. I think it's fixed!! :D
  16. I usually fall asleep on my back, I usually wake up on my back,.......I'm just not real sure what I do when I'm sleeping....
  17. I had leftover Stuffed Hamburgers from last night, and a few beans!!
  18. Most taxdermist will have some capes that they will sell you for around, 75 bucks. Talk to your Taxidermist..
  19. I agree,......You can always send that pic to me and I'll post it for ya!!
  20. I am trying to build a new elevated box blind for gun deer season. I have a miter saw that needs 15amps. I have a 20amp breaker and all I have plugged in to that circuit is my saw and my stereo. I keep poping the breaker, do you think I need to turn the stereo down to a level where I can hear the saw running, or should I just plug the saw in to a different curcuit? :D:D
  21. Sheesh, I forgot all about that!! ,.........Happy ST. Patty's day!!
  22. Randy

    New to forum

    Welcome to the RT campfire!! Relax, pull up a chair and stay awhile! Glad to have you with us Larry!
  23. Randy


    Have a great trip Steve!! That sounds like a lot of fun! BTW, Don't worry about the little fires here,...If Finn and some of his cronies get out of hand I'll be a tattle tale and make Buckee straighten it out,....again!! :D:D:D