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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Randy

    Shameless plug

    Still up but, only by 16.
  2. Thanks for the update Steve. Prayers sent Dakota!
  3. Yeah, and with hunterbobs luck, when it rains it pours...
  4. Time to replace the guardrails eh?
  5. Randy

    Finally Drew a tag

    Sounds like a dream hunt to me! Congrats on the draw and have a great time bud!
  6. I really need to get in here more often. Prayers sent Buddy!!
  7. I hope your day was a great one!
  8. Pick a day Al and if I can, I'll be there. Give me a couple weeks notice so I can get off of work. I'll bring the venison Chili!!
  9. Thanks everyone. It's been three and a half weeks since we met with the G.A.L. She said she would be back to us in a week. I called her three times to try and get some answers and now she see's this as I'm trying to be controlling. :jaw: If it's not one things it's another... As of this moment, I haven't heard anything from her. I'm thinking I may be a little passive aggressive when she calls and not return her call for a few days. These people don't seem to know how much stress the unknown actually adds to us. I hope all is well with everyone and I'll try and get back in here soon. Take care and God Bless! Randy
  10. I'm glad you're ok Steve.
  11. I haven't forgotten you guys. It's been a crazy last few months and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better soon. The divorce seems to not be moving along. We are still fighting over the placement schedule of the kids. For some reason she seems to feel she is more their mommy than I am their daddy. I'm fighting for 50/50 custody and she doesn't like that. To make a long story short, it's an absolute mess... I get to see my kids almost every day. I have them from 2pm til 7pm Sunday through Saturday on my weeks and monday through Friday 2pm til 5pm on her weeks. Avery is involved in a lot of activities which has been keeping me running. The kids are both doing great and seem to be very happy, given the circumstances. We got appointed a Guardium ad litem (sp?) which is basically a lawyer for the kids, and I'm waiting for a response from her. Hopefully I'll get a little good news this week. Anyways, I'm sure I have a ton of catching up to do and I'll try and get caught up eventually. If there are some real important post that I have missed maybe some of you could just post the links in this thread so I can catch up a little. Thank you ALL for your thoughts and prayers and I'll try to get back in here a little more often. God Bless ya!! Randy
  12. Thanks everyone. I truly appreciate all of the friends I have made here over the past few years. Most of you know I have been going through a pretty rough time and I'm sorry for not posting lately. I have a pretty big meeting on Friday and hopefully after that I can get back in here and fill you in a little more. Long story short, we are having a meeting with an attorney for the kids. If you all could just send up a couple prayers my way that the attorney makes the right decision, you have know idea what that would mean to me... Thanks again for the birthday wishes, and I'll get back in here hopefully sometime this weekend.
  13. WTG William! He's a mac daddy for sure! I wish you could have connected up here but, it looks like you made up for it! Congrats!!
  14. Anthony is right. Redwings will cost a bit upfront but I'll about guarantee you will not regret it down the line...
  15. Great post Steve! I loved the owl! That was cool! What kind is it? I think you will remember my story from a couple years ago called Reflections of a Deer Hunter? It's all about Family, Friends, and the beautiful Outdoors.
  16. Funny you should say that Al, I'm actually getting a pedestal mount done with this one.
  17. Thats just an all around cool story with a great ending...
  18. Randy

    Hey Beilgard!!

    Yep! That was the one!
  19. Randy

    Hey Beilgard!!

    Dang I missed it!! My buddy just called and said you were on Spiritual Outdoors tonight! I caught just the last 5 minutes of it but I'm sure it was a great show. I'm going to have to catch it next time it's on. You need to give us a little heads up when you make a celebrity appearance! :clown: