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Everything posted by Randy

  1. It must be warmer in Oklahoma than it is here! LOL Congrats to you both, they look great!
  2. I had 4 bucks chasing a doe this morning. wtnhunt should be here soon. He's staying for the week. Hopefully he gets a shot at the biggest one I saw this morning. ; )
  3. Congrats on a great hunt Corey!
  4. Randy

    come on 4am

    Good luck bud, have a safe trip and thwack a big one!! Until then,.........work hard!! :clown:
  5. Oh is she ever a cutie! You done good Cinch! ; )
  6. Randy

    name change!!

    It's nice to have you Dave!
  7. Alright, I'm sitting in the Service deparment getting some work done on my vehicle this afternoon and the TV is on. Judge so and so was doing his thing and during a commercial there was some kind of survey asking if teenagers are growing up too fast? I thought about if for a minute and tried to come up with an answer either way. I look at the people in the waiting area and here's a upper 20's, maybe 30 year old guy playing some type of little video game. I came up with my answer pretty quick! LMBO! What do you think? Is there too much responsibility put on teenagers, or not enough?
  8. Good Luck Chris. I'm sure it will all be worth it in the long run, keep your chin up buddy!
  9. Good Luck Kyle! Whack a big one at Chris's so we don't have to look at his pic again all year! :D:D
  10. Coles, I had the same dream almost 20 years ago. Back then it was $3300 and they guarateed me a job if I passed the class. They said most that don't pass is because they are afraid of horses. I didn't have a problem with that but, I did have a problem with the pay. I checked with two different places back then, one could have been the one you are looking at and the other was Jerry Malson Outfitting. I know Malson was in NW Montana. Anyways, they both basically told me I would start out as a "camp jack" and make about $5-600 a month. I understand that food and lodging is included but, that's not a ton of money and unless they offer trout fishing or something else in the summer, where do you get a job in the off season? I'm not trying to put a damper on your dream because it was mine as well but, these are a couple things to look into. Good Luck in whatever your life holds. ; )
  11. Ross? Could you take me,... give me a new shape, sharpen my edges, and shine me up a little?? :D:D:D
  12. Ah yes, my dream hunt... Well a couple years ago I wrote a story about my dream hunt for a weatherby contest. Many may remember I took second place with that story. I sure wish I would have kept a copy, for some reason I didn't. To make a long story short, my dream hunt was a hunt out west with my dad who is now 73. We actually had a trip of a lifetime lined up with a very special outfitter and my dad backed out. He said 20 years ago it would have excited him more. So I was going to go with one of my best friends and then, well, my divorce started... Whats my dream hunt now you ask? I'm not real sure. I'd still like to go on the trip we had planned but I'm having fun making someone elses dream hunt come true for now...
  13. I bet we can hold this one over him for a while!!! I got a feeling Bob's going to need a new mop and duster if Kaye gets ahold of this one!:whip: :D
  14. Randy

    I need a nanny!!

    LMBO!! I'm working on it buddy, I'm working on it... :clown:
  15. Randy

    I need a nanny!!

    Thanks Mike but, I was kinda hopeing for one in camo and only two legs!
  16. Ummmm..........pics???? Tell your brother congrats from me!
  17. Randy

    I need a nanny!!

    Dang!! Next!! LOL
  18. Randy

    Blanton's blog

    Although Africa is way down my "bucket list" I wouldn't mind trying it once. I've never been there so I can't say that it's an "easy hunt" but, the TV shows sure make it look that way. I personally believe that the producers that go there need too because whitetails are way tougher to hunt and when you need to make a bunch of shows they can get 3,4, maybe five shows done in 10 days in Africa. Also, their hunting seasons are during our summer when there is nothing to hunt here. So, my opinion: seen one Kudo, seen em all...
  19. Randy

    I need a nanny!!

    I got up this morning with every intention of going out hunting and about the time I was going to leave, the fog rolled in. It's so thick I can barely see my hand in front of my face. Anyways, i'm sitting here checking out a few threads and I got to thinking that it's less than a week and wtnhunt will be on his way up to indulge in the Wisconsin whitetail rut. I'm getting pretty excited to meet him and I know we'll have a great time, but as I sit here I noticed hunting crap laying all over my house. Magazines stacked 6 high by my favorite morning chair, refletched arrows standing in the corner and a few of the kid's toys laying around. Now I'm usually not one to have a bunch of clutter laying around the house as it actually drives me nuts but, being as how it's hunting season can i get away will it for a couple weeks? Atleast until after the rut? I really don't feel like cleaning so maybe I need to find a nanny... Have a great day everyone!!
  20. LMBO Yeah, I saw that too. I have know idea where he comes up with half of the stuff that comes out of his mouth.