Coles, I had the same dream almost 20 years ago. Back then it was $3300 and they guarateed me a job if I passed the class. They said most that don't pass is because they are afraid of horses. I didn't have a problem with that but, I did have a problem with the pay. I checked with two different places back then, one could have been the one you are looking at and the other was Jerry Malson Outfitting. I know Malson was in NW Montana. Anyways, they both basically told me I would start out as a "camp jack" and make about $5-600 a month. I understand that food and lodging is included but, that's not a ton of money and unless they offer trout fishing or something else in the summer, where do you get a job in the off season? I'm not trying to put a damper on your dream because it was mine as well but, these are a couple things to look into. Good Luck in whatever your life holds. ; )