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Everything posted by Randy

  1. The buck in my avatar came in to "the can". I wouldn't go in the woods without it.
  2. You are the man coles!! Awesome buck, let alone her first!! Looks like she hired the right guide. Congrats to the both of you.
  3. I've had scrapes our land for over a month already. Last night I went out and hunted and check a couple scrapes on the way to my stand and they clearly have not been worked in a few days. I had two 2 1/2 year olds chasing a doe all over the place and I had a little guy wandering around trying to figure out what was going on! The cooler weather coming in NEXT week will have it going on full bore, no doubt! Funny how that's when my yearly rut vacation always starts... Spend every second you can in the stand from the 1st to the 12th.
  4. What can I say, Steve you never cease to amaze me... A huge congrats to Jose on an awesome Antelope!
  5. I hate too hear these stories year after year...
  6. Swampy's right camo. In this day and age with as liberal as this country is getting law enforcement would have a hard time justifing why they shot an armed man pointing their weapon at them. The liberals (and that's who will be sitting on the jury) will ask why they didn't try less lethal methods of stopping the activity. It's crazy, we just had a discussion about this at work the other day. If the bullet did go off a stone or something and hit someone, that officer could very well go to prison, and will without a doubt, lose his/her job.
  7. I'd like that to happen tonight with a 5 1/2 year old. Except the let him walk part....
  8. Yep, no doubt we're still paying for it. I'm not sure who paints them but I did see a county sheriff painting one once. Otherwise I think it's the "road crews" that paint them. They are driving around anyways. If you REALLY want to know how your tax dollars are wasted, call Doyle and ask him how much money he is saving by having 25 extra staff at my Institution and paying them wages and benefits instead of me a little bit of overtime or ask him why he is furloughing me and filling my job with overtime...
  9. Welcome to the campfire.
  10. There's your answer! I can't argue the fact that our state waste a ton of money but, as far as picking up the dead deer, most counties pay for that as they get bids from people that want the deer for whatever reason. I know by me there was a zoo that fed the big kittys the deer. ; ) The reason Wisconsin started painting the deer was "earn-a-buck". People would pick up road kills and tag them, go to the registration station and get their "buck tag". So now every deer gets painted and if you register an antlerless the ear gets cut off so someone else can't retag the deer and register it again. Too many liars and cheats nowadays...
  11. Don't keep wishing,.......make it a reallity... I have too many to name but I got the list started!
  12. Congrats to the both of you. I wish you nothing but the best in your life together. Good luck hunting Jenny!! Show the old man how it's done!
  13. I've been using them since they first came out. This year I bought the Rage two blade and was not overly impressed with the penetration so I went back to the Tekan again. Rage leaves a heck of a hole no doubt about it, but they are also a little louder in flight than the Tekans. This can/will result in "jumping the string" and more high hits which results in more lost deer. Just my $ .02...
  14. Yep me too, I was all good until the last pic. In the third pic he looks like a 3.5 for sure, then you had to throw in the last one...
  15. About time!! LOL It looks like you had a great trip! Nice pigs! Now get back to work so I can get my Vacations planned for next year!!!
  16. Isn't there like a month or two gross pay thing? I thought that's what the rule of thumb was?
  17. Nice pics William. The buck on the right is a little closer to the ones we grow in Wisconsin!
  18. Must be a State worker....:stupid:
  19. LMBO! You better find a bigger tree to sit in!
  20. Brat and burger sale. Get your little aprons on and start cooking!
  21. Jeff,..........This thread is useless without pics!!!! :hammer1: