Pretty windy here today. I had a monster sized deer at 25 yards this morning in the dark, I couldn't see the rack. Then one nubby after light. Tonight I saw a little 8 pointer and a 2 1/2 year old 8 pointer. Kicked two doe out on my way back to the truck.
The bucks are starting to chase a little. The cooler cloudy days seem to be the best. I think there's a chance of rain tomorrow and a little cool front coming through. I'd imagine I ought to try again tomorrow!
Sounds like a great time Blade. Them bluejays make an awful lot of noise eh? Hopefully next time dad will get a shot at a nice deer. Enjoy every chance you get to go hunting and spend time with dad.
First off, who you calling a wierdo? Just cause you guys out west have to take a mitten off to get past 5 doesn't mean we're weird! :poke::D:D
Congrats Dan on a great season!
I call it the October lull. Seems every year around the 7-8 of October to around the 26-27. Things really slow down here. In all reallity I think it's the prerut and the little bucks have all the doe pushed back in to the thickest crap they can find. They seem to not come out until the very last light which is usually past shooting hours. AS far as your blind, I would have brushed it in a little. My experience has been not all that great with blinds for deer. They usually figure it out and the gig is up. Good Luck bud.
Two nights ago I had a monster 10 pointer at 50 yards and couldn't get him any closer regardless of all my efforts to try and call him in... I was halfway down the northwest woods on the west side of the road. You know, the big Oak with the four scrapes under it?! Maybe next time!
There's your advice Joe. I saw them advertised the other day and though I thought the advertisement was a little,.....well,.....fake but, I'd try them, what's it going to hurt?
I would have to say that some of the best money I ever spent on bow hunting was my rangefinder. I personally will not go in the woods without it. It takes out all the guess work and makes for cleaner, more humane kills...