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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Randy

    Real World

    I'm pretty sure someone along the way actually did, you just weren't listening! :hammer1:
  2. I bought this with my new bow this year and decided on a different one. This quiver is in almost brand new condition. Realtree APG, 4 arrow. $35 TYD takes. Thanks for looking! http://www.fusearchery.com/quivers/images/pg_satori.gif
  3. I know I do! LOL Great pics Catrina!
  4. Randy

    Visitation day!

    Looks like a great day! Cherish every moment you get with her.
  5. I think he's only a 1 1/2 year old. I'd personally let him walk a couple more years.
  6. Randy

    New computer

    I missed ya buddy! :clown:Here, have one on me...:soda:
  7. Every time I see a different "big buck" the one I'm saving for William changes! LOL There is obviously more than one big one running around. We'll be ok...
  8. Mistakes are ok,............as long as you learn from them... THWACK that thing!!!
  9. Sorry to hear that Ruth, it's exactly 6 1/2 DAYS, til Wisconsin's season opens...
  10. I got mine too,....Thanks Guys.
  11. Randy

    New computer

    Congrats Cody! Careful you don't spill any Coke on it!
  12. I've never actually seen bear scat before, could you put your hand in it and take another pic so we have something to compare it too?
  13. Mmmmm,.........backstraps!
  14. Nice pics! I'm glad you had a great time.
  15. Sounds like some type of infection Ruth but, I'm not a vet.
  16. Take care of yourself first. There will be a hunting season again next year. Prayers on the way for a quick recovery.
  17. So sorry to hear of your loss Jeremy. Prayers sent.
  18. I saw that right away. As hard as it may be,..........imagine what that critter could be next year.
  19. I'm making a few burgers on the grill tonight. Venny sounds better!
  20. I feel your pain brother, this divorce is killing me. I'm dumping the truck for a 2007 Grand Prix. I got a heck of a deal on it and if your interested in some details, send me a pm. I know someone that may be able to help you get even a better deal.
  21. All I have to say is, "you have the right attitude, and good things happen to good people." I'm sure you will work something out for next season. Good Luck and cherish every memory you can this season.
  22. Thanks a ton Jeff for running this again,....it IS appreciated. As far a GW and all his smack talk goes, I have a bottle of coke that says we have points on our board before your team does!! :stretcher::clown::D:D
  23. This is gonna be good... Howdy everyone and good Luck from Wisconsin!
  24. Take in to account that there are actually 538 "active members" here. Lets just say that 5% are teenagers, that means there are more than likely 26.9 teanagers here plus, the 18 in your class for a grand total of 44.9 Taken the fact that I personally think you are a goof ball, let's for sake of argument pretend 10% of the total teenagers think you are NOT a loser that means the total number of teenagers that DO think you are a loser would actually be about, 40 1/2... Do we need to do the math with the adults too??? :clown::D:D