Saturday was the start of a two day youth deer hunt in Wisconsin. The weather was hot and after last years youth hunt being just as hot, I was not too excited to go as last year we never saw a deer during our two days. Saturday I had to work until 4pm and then I had plans after work so I asked my dad if he would take Avery. He said that it sounded like fun and he'd be happy too. About 9pm I called Avery to see what he had seen. He said he saw a few turkeys and one deer. He then proceeded to say, "I saved you four hundred bucks though dad!" In a chuckle, I asked him what he meant and he said, "I missed dad." I asked him what happened and he said he didn't know but, I'd bet money that the ole buck fever kicked in! lol The buck was olny 20 yards away when he missed. Sunday rolled around and I promised Avery that i would take him out after work. So at 4:30 we headed out to our stand. We had all the fun little conversations that only dads would understand. We watched a couple doe and at 6:30 I noticed a buck in the tall grass. I said "Avery, shooter buck right down here!" the buck was about 150 yards. He got his gun out the window and got ready for the shot. The grass was so tall we had a had time keeping him in sight. As the buck walked quartering away from us, the shot distance started getting farther and farther. So at this point, I'm about shaking us both out of the stand and finally at 260 yards, the buck stops in a clearing to make a scrape under a small clump of oaks. Avery said, "can I shoot him dad?" After assuring me he could keep the crosshairs on his chest, I told him to squeeze the trigger when he felt comfortable. About 10 seconds later the Browning 270WSM barked and I heard the bullet hit home. The buck ran about 40 yards and piled up. Avery just turned 11 on the 8th of Sept. Averys third deer and his second buck ever, is one to be proud of. As far as dad goes, well, lets just say I havent stopped smiling.
Averys buck, 10 points, 18 5/8" inside spread...