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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Thanks for doing what you do Lewis. Prayers sent for the family involved...
  2. It's supposed to hit 50 degrees here by Thursday. Hopefully it will take care of all this white stuff on the ground and I can finally see some grass here! LOL Nice pics Benny!
  3. Sorry to hear this Kyle. Best wishes sent your way!
  4. I just got it after work. Thanks buddy...
  5. My Ex-wife got the camera...:bang:
  6. Thanks everyone. I just got done with work. I bought myself a 2005 F150 Supercrew for my birthday just yesterday. I love this thing!
  7. I use and own a 5" and a 6" Lazer hand augers. That said, I also use a Hitachi 18 volt drill attached to them. I'll race any power auger on the lake and beat them every time. I can get about 20 holes in 20-22" of ice on one battery. I have an extra as I move constantly. Always use the blade guards and you keep them sharp longer.
  8. What a tank! Congrats Matt!
  9. I sure wanted too! He broke his finger playing football so, he passes go this year! LOL Thanks everyone. Truly a couple days we both will never forget...
  10. I'm posting for Nubbybuck (Avery my son). Heres 13 points! I'll get it entered tomorrow for him.
  11. Randy

    said I .........

    Congrats to you both, 17 years is a long time these days. You both need to put a lot of work in it to make it that long. Again, Congrats!
  12. I'm not really sure what to say. Avery turned 10 in September and yesterday 11-20-10 he killed his first deer. He was shooting my Browning 270 WSM and made a 120 yard shot on this great doe. I told him to put it on her shoulder and squeeze the trigger and that, he did. (next time I'll tell him to put it behind it a little...) She plowed about 10 yards to her death. Dads with kids out hunting, I finally know how it feels to have your child kill a deer. I know Avery was excited but, I doubt it was as much as me. My legs were shaking and my heart was pounding so hard I thought for sure I was going to have the "big one". Here's Avery's (aka Nubbybuck) first deer. Now, If that wasn't enough. Today Avery made another 120 Yard shot on this awesome buck! You just don't know how proud I am. He held it all together to make two great shots. Afterwards there were many "high fives", hugs, and "I love you's". Here's Avery's second ever deer kill. To Avery, Thanks buddy, I had the two best days of hunting I will ever have.
  13. Yeah, I'll be at work tomorrow... Are you kidding? Not a chance!! It's Deer season!!
  14. Avery is hunting as he turned 10 in Sept. and has a pretty tall order for deer this year. It looks like he needs to put down about 7. I need to give a couple to buddies that don't hunt, and G-ma and G-pa said they want one too, if Avery shoots it... LOL
  15. Good luck this weekend! Shoot straight and be safe!
  16. Yep,...........That's a good one! LOL Tell your buddy congrats from Wisconsin!
  17. Great pics Shaun. Thanks for sharing them.
  18. Nice buck Craig! I hope all that white stuff on the ground stays up there!
  19. Nice buck William! No use coming to Wisconsin, you're killing bigger bucks at home! LOL
  20. Wow! What beautiful country! Congrats on a nice bull!