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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Randy

    Barber or Salon

    Re: Barber or Salon [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Neither...i shave it with my beard/mustache trimmer...close as you can get w/o a razor no more paying for haircuts or buying shampoo = more money for hunting supplies [/ QUOTE ] Ditto [/ QUOTE ]Same here!!
  2. Randy

    Albino Deer?

    Re: Albino Deer? If you shoot one in Wisconsin you are going to have all kinds of bad luck!! Including fines, loss of hunting priveleges, loss of your guns, ect.... It's illegal in Wisconsin! P.S. Welcome to the forums!!
  3. Minnesota Blizzard Up there by Lake Woebegone it was snowing heavily and blowing to the point that visibility was almost zero when Lena got off work. She made her way to her car and wondered how she was going to make it home. She sat in her car while it warmed up and thought about her situation. She remembered Ole's advice that if she got caught in a blizzard, she should wait for a snow plow to come by and follow it. That way she would not get stuck in a snow drift. This made Lena feel much better and sure enough in a little while, a snow plow went by, and she started to follow it. As she followed the snow plow, she was feeling very smug as they continued, and she was not having any problem with the blizzard conditions. After quite sometime had passed, she was somewhat surprised when the snow plow stopped and the driver got out and came back to her car and signaled her to roll down her window. The snow plow driver wanted to know if she was all right, as she had been following him for a long time. She said that she was fine and told him of Ole's advice to follow a snow plow when caught in a blizzard. The driver replied that it was OK with him, and she could continue if she wanted..but he was done with the Wal-Mart parking lot and was going over to Kmart next!!
  4. Re: Im hooked...im a druggie I just got to work and made my second pot for the day. I'll finish that up by 5 or 6 and be good til morning!!
  5. Re: The Good Samaritan ROFL!!
  6. Re: I think I had one too many..... [ QUOTE ] Oh yeah! I did a big prime rib for our holiday dinner and there is still a lot in the fridge. I guess I know the leftovers will be ribeye steaks. [/ QUOTE ] Prime rib is my favorite!! I could go for about 48 oz. of that right now!! I'll put the sweats back on for that!!
  7. Re: How are licenses issued in the States? Every state has their own license. They also have a state waterfowl stamp. You need to buy a separate license and stamp for every state you plan to hunt in. There is also a federal duck stamp that you need to have. That stamp is good for any state.
  8. Re: Happy Birthday Newarcher! Happy Birthday New!! I hope you have a great day!!
  9. Re: Mother of all Christmas gifts.... I'm sooooooo jealous!!! That's awesome!!
  10. Re: Should I press charges? I had the same exact same thing happen to my dog a few years back. I think it's "doggie rape"!! My lab had 9 pups and I asked the guy who's lab knocked her up about getting papers from him and he said he wanted a stud fee then!! The nerve!!! Needless to say I sold awsome pups for only $100 cause he wasn't getting anything!!
  11. Randy


    Re: Aloha! Glad you had a great time. Welcome back!! Great pics!
  12. Re: I think I had one too many..... [ QUOTE ] man i had the same problem...i think i shouldve asked for larger pants for xmas...it happens every year...wierd phenomenon [/ QUOTE ]LOL Sweat pants are a beautiful thing!!
  13. Re: Mandatory new seatbelt law for 2007 LOL
  14. Christmas cookies and helpings of cheese, sausage and crackers! Either that or my wife shrunk my pants!! Anyone else feel the same way?
  15. Re: im sorry everyone [ QUOTE ] we went light on personal gifts this year, and very heavy into taking care of needy families kids. my wife loves to shop, and lots of kids got stuff. also, she took on a few folks at the va center... mostly wanting tolitries, radios, candy, and magazines. we got both our girls for 4 days, and their husbands & kids, all together. what a gift! all in all, our best christmas ever, heavily ladened with love. wow [/ QUOTE ]
  16. Re: im sorry everyone [ QUOTE ] I didn't get my Ex-wife anything this year because she never used the present I got her last year...... A cemetary plot!! [/ QUOTE ]
  17. Re: im sorry everyone [ QUOTE ] lol randy its usefull [/ QUOTE ]Yeah but, iv'e been telling my wife for 10 years I didn't know how to use one!!
  18. Re: Out of season Bluebirds are my favorite birds.
  19. Re: double reed call Everybody blows a duck call a little bit different. Try a bunch of different ones and see what sounds best. I've used a bunch of the "high end" calls and come right back to the good old Haydel Timber Cutter. Pick up a call and blow a "comeback call and some quacks" if they sound good that is really all you need.
  20. Randy

    Kinda bummed!

    Re: Kinda bummed! Ok, I'm home now and all better!!
  21. Re: im sorry everyone She got me a DIAMOND!!! No, just kidding. LOL (I'm sick of that commercial) I got a vacuum cleaner!!
  22. Randy

    How does this WORK?

    Re: How does this WORK? ROFL
  23. Re: merry christmas everyone! Merry Christmas to you also.
  24. Randy

    OH....OH !!!

    Re: OH....OH !!! LOL!!
  25. Randy

    Kinda bummed!

    I'm having a great Christmas morning. I got to watch my six year old sons eye light up with excitement when he opened his new Play Station 2. He had been asking for gift cards to Walmart so he could buy one for himself. Now, it's 10:00am and in three hours I have to go to work at a prison and spend the rest of the day with criminals!! I guess maybe i'm just getting more sensitive in my old age.