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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Randy

    New Guy

    Re: New Guy Welcome aboard!! (hey everybody,.............we got another one!! )
  2. Re: Got my 2005 bow buck back from my taxidermist That's a nice buck!! Great mount too!!
  3. Randy


    Re: 8x7\'s Wow!!! Them are some nice sheds!!
  4. Re: I,m joining the moron club !! You aren't going to go nocturnal on us are ya??
  5. Re: Prayers For SRA and Family Prayers on the way.
  6. Re: Road hunting?? That's kind of what I was trying to say earlier. If you would have walked up to that deer it would have ran away more than likely, Right? So my opinion on road hunting would be using a vehicle to get within shooting distance of an animal. Does that make sense? Spot and stalking where it is common practice is alright but most animals are not afraid of vehicles which make it easier to get close to game using them.
  7. Randy

    My Wife's Buck

    Re: My Wife\'s Buck WOW!!!!! That things a pig!!!
  8. Re: Kinda Bummed out I'm sure it was a hard choice for your brother to make, he will miss you just as much i'm sure. Keep in close contact with him via e-mail or the phone. You never know maybe he'll find some good hunting spots for ya and you can do a out-of-state hunt with him. Keep your head up buddy. Just remember everything happens for a reason.
  9. Re: whats for lunch? [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Then.....................What's for supper?!!! [/ QUOTE ] pizza and garlic fingers [/ QUOTE ]Oh,....No!!
  10. Re: whats for lunch? [ QUOTE ] I was on the ocean lobster fishin at lunch time --- nothin fancy -- bolonga sandwich [/ QUOTE ]Then.....................What's for supper?!!!
  11. Randy

    Hunting Songs?

    Re: Hunting Songs? Da Turdy Point Buck!!
  12. Re: Arctic Cat commercial Can't say as I did yet.
  13. Re: I need to knock one down....BAD That's one sweet bow!!! Now go kill something with it!!
  14. Randy

    Hunting Songs?

    Re: Hunting Songs? Fred Bear!! That's a no brainer!!
  15. Re: Road hunting?? Do you ever want to answer a post and just can't figure out how to put your thoughts into words??
  16. Re: whats for lunch? [ QUOTE ] salad, banana, and a multi-vitamin. I'm back to eating healthy again, lets hope it lasts this time. [/ QUOTE ]I split a pizza with my 16 month old daughter . Muggs there is one piece left if you're still hungry!!
  17. Re: Happy Birthday, Valkrie1357 Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a great day!
  18. Re: Remember these?!?! (Cartoon Booths?) [ QUOTE ] Nope...that must have been a LONG time ago! [/ QUOTE ]I'm with you Harvdog. They all must be pretty old!!
  19. Re: Combining Christmas Presents It's a bird, it's a plane. no it's........... Super HarvDog!!! LOL
  20. Randy

    please pray

    Re: please pray Prayers are sent.
  21. Re: Do you let em grow or bag em? What would you do given the chance? He is a nice buck with pretty good genetics. I'd have to let him walk a year or two. It's up to you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  22. Re: stirring the pot [ QUOTE ] This is brought about by the deer dogging post and a general need for some of us to put forth our feelings on various methods of hunting and not put forth a personal attack. Although some of us extend the feeling that any "legal" form of hunting is acceptable, I think that even those people have thoughts that tend to lean against some forms of hunting. So, here we go, if you have any form of hunting that you are against, or feel is unethical, state what form of hunting it is and why you feel that it is unacceptable. [/ QUOTE ]I'm one of the people that believe that if it is legal, it is ok. Although I do have personal opinions of certain hunting forms, who am I to judge whether it is "ethical" or not. Every State and Province has different laws made for their hunters. The laws were placed there for a reason. I will not judge anybodys "ethics" and or hunting abilities when they are following their laws. I don't feel anyone else should either. Now, if they are breaking laws, that's a whole new ballgame.
  23. Re: any New Years Resolutions? That's ok. Maybe someone changed their mind after failing miserably to try and quit smoking, chewing, or something else!!!
  24. Re: Your resolution for \'07? TTT