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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Randy

    Sad day today

    Sorry to hear of your loss. Nothing easy about burying a loved family pet.
  2. Duh! Todd,.........everybody knows Hoyt wins hands down! :hammer1::D:D
  3. Awesome pics Mike, I can't wait to see more!
  4. Randy


    Unbelievably gorgeous...
  5. That is a beautiful table Chris. Make sure to post pics of it in "cherry" when you get it back.
  6. That's awesome you went along Mike. I can't wait to hear the story!
  7. Happy birthday Mark, I'm glad to hear you had a great day.
  8. That's pretty awesome! We want pics of backstraps on the ground now!
  9. Dang man, I hate to hear this. :bummed:
  10. Just think, the sooner you get back to school, the sooner the rut will be here!!
  11. Good Luck Ken! Stick a pig!
  12. I'd rather William THWACK!! him but, first come, first serve right???
  13. He looks like a very happy baby. You done good Kyle...
  14. I took my first one on Wednesday. It's actually a 3.64% paycut this year. Look at the brightside bud, We get a .64% raise next year with only a 3% cut.
  15. Happy Birthday Kirk!
  16. Thanks everyone. It's really cool to see the same buck a couple years in a row and see how much he has grown.
  17. This is a buck I knicknamed goof brow. This pic is from last year. The video is from a few days back. I'm thinking he better watch his step this year! I believe he is 4 1/2 years old this year...
  18. Randy

    Tinks blind

    Looks awesome Steve! BTW, who posted the pics or have you been holding out on us all this time... :boxing:
  19. I have been following but just haven't posted yet. This hunt is just incredible. Thank you so much Kathleen and Terry for making it possible. Good luck the rest of the hunt. ; )
  20. I was wondering why it was so quiet around here... Welcome back Chris!
  21. Randy


    Can I get that number? :phone: