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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Randy


    :o:o:D Thanks Joe!! As a matter of fact, I have field tested Scent Lok on numerous occasions after eating venison chili, tacos, and just about anything else including McDonalds!! It does a heck of a job as long as you are wearing it correctly. Just incase you have it a bit worse than me,............always keep your face to the wind.
  2. How long does urine keep it's "smell" when poured into a scrape before it turns to ammonia?
  3. It must be right after yours ???
  4. Huh, I didn't see my name or pic on there...:confused:
  5. Well sheesh,.....If you were back you could have came to work today!! I'm glad you had a great trip, now get back to work so I can figure out my vacation for next year!!
  6. Some interesting post here,....Keep em coming!!
  7. Luke,......Luke,......Luke,.....I used to like you,......a little...:D:D
  8. What are you fishing for? I'm guessing bass or walleyes?? I would start by fishing deep midlake humps. Sounds like you're not even close to turnover yet. Fish slow and use big baits. Good luck!!
  9. what's the biggest buck you have killed? It doesn't matter if you've never killed one or if it is a spike. Just post the number of years bowhunting and how big it was. I'm kind of taking a survey so please take the time to help. Thanks!
  10. Randy

    Well here she is!

    LOL Isn't that the truth! A huge congrats to you both!
  11. Welcome Kandi and Don. I look forward to hearing a few stories.
  12. Hi Vicki! It's great to have you here, I told Gary I'd help hang stands for you guys. Let me know if you need some help so you can spend a little time here on the forum...
  13. Definitely not going to apologize for my statement but, I did say it sarcastically. My point was I never even thought about using my prize certificate from last year. IMO that is not what it is all about. I do however understand the post count issue as many people just show up for the contest. So, you get to know them a little and the next thing you know they're gone until next season. I've met some great people here and even had a few gettogethers wth them. THAT, is what this contest is all about.
  14. I hope you have a great time Blade. Keep an eye on dad, he's a bit accident prone lately.
  15. Great,.....just great.....It's 7:25am and I need to go look at my camo now..... Thanks Joe! :D
  16. So,....what your saying is, it could have been worse?? :D You and Blade be careful today....
  17. OMG That is horrible. Prayers on the way for you and the family.
  18. Randy


    Good luck! Stick a big one!
  19. Holy CRAP!! That things a hoss!! Congrats on an awesome buck Chris!!
  20. Just incase you don't remember, here's last years 12 pointer :D:D
  21. I think it was a genetic defect. Apparently the warden said that was the third one he's seen this year. I didn't get to talk to him personally but, I'm guessing there are too many deer??? The poor thing was robbed in the "man department". Not that they weren't there, they were just really small.
  22. Dang Matt, I'm not really sure what to say. Life keeps throwing us curve balls everyday and I guess we just need to take what we're dealt in stride. Just remember that we will never be given anymore than we can handle. Keep your chin up bud!
  23. A big congrats to your wife from Wisconsin!
  24. It's the "no turn on red" sign, you can only make a right turn on red and the street is a one way street, to the left.