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Everything posted by gzilla45

  1. Obviously the reports are still early but it sounds like he killed his dad at their NJ home and then went to this school where his mother taught kindergarten. He shot the principal and then went to her classroom where he shot her and 18 kids. What a terrible, terrible tragedy. I'm to the point where I can't read anymore about it without getting sick.
  2. Sounds like its well over 20 now. I can't fathom what would go through your head to do something at all like this let alone to innocent children. Watching the news is making me want to vomit right now.
  3. gzilla45


    It was probably caused by a Bears fan. They are jealous of our stadium.
  4. Thanks for the help guys. Appreciate it. My mom has a chafing dish and I'm going to test it to see how long the chicken will stay good in it. My parents only live about 15 mins from the hotel so I just may leave the party to cook it and come back which I'll use as my backup plan.
  5. Due to the large size of my family, we always have Christmas dinner at a local hotel in one of their conference rooms. It also helps that they have an indoor water park too. My problem is that I signed up to bring jerk chicken(Jamaican theme) but I'm struggling to figure out how to keep it warm. We'll be there a good 4 hours before dinner actually starts. I'm trying to determine if I should grill it before I get there and try keeping it warm in a nesco or grill it 80% of the way before going and then bringing a small grill to finish it in the parking lot right before we eat. I'm not sure the second option would go over to well with the hotel though. Anybody have a good suggestion on keeping grilled chicken warm without it drying out?
  6. Chocolate covered sausage...wow.
  7. My first thought would be that it was caused by a human especially since it was cleanly cutoff. Hopefully you can find the rest of it to give more clues.
  8. Unfortunately I couldn't get us any points during gun season. Only saw 4 deer all week and they were all moving at mach 3. The deer movement shut down around Halloween and it is because the wolves moved back in. We've been hearing them quite a bit the last few weeks. Friday morning my uncle and I tracked 3 sets for a good half mile. They are bold enough to be eating the leftover food scraps we throw about 10 yards from the cabin. Hopefully I can get a late season doe in a couple weeks.
  9. Nice job everyone. I'm headed to deer camp for the 9 day gun season. It's going to be unusually warm this year. Hopefully I can add to our total. Shoot straight and stay safe.
  10. Good luck to everyone and be safe. Temps look to be in the 40's all week. We should certainly be catching peak rut opening weekend.
  11. Dawg has it right although I wouldn't be opposed to chicken gravy. Meatloaf needs to be served at every meal IMHO.
  12. Conrats on the buck Stone Cold! I'm off for 5 days of bow hunting. Good luck to everyone that can make it out. Hopefully I'll have some points to add when I get back.
  13. That's a nasty injury. Be sure not to get in too much of a rush to hunt. Heal yourself first.
  14. Hopefully they can raise the funds as it sounds like a great cause. I've been going with no shave November for about 5 years now. It's much easier.
  15. We're getting snow squalls right now in central WI. Next Wednesday can't get here soon enough....5 days of bow hunting bliss.
  16. I've got a ladder stand that has been sitting out in the woods for the last 7-8 years and it is no worse for wear.
  17. Agree with XT. Temps are getting better and better too. What part of the state are you going to?
  18. Thanks. We always referred to that as bulk sausage. I have tons of it in the freezer so I'm going to give this a try at deer camp. Going to use breakfast sausage and then serve them up with eggs.
  19. Going to be downright cold here this weekend which is good because I'll finally be able to get out hunting. Hopefully I'll be able to add some points to the team.
  20. Can someone help me out on what pan sausage is??? I can't say I've ever heard that term this far north so maybe it is a regional thing.
  21. Thanks for sharing. Will definitely have to give that a try. As I was scrolling down the screen I wasn't expecting it to be stuffed in a burger. One of my all time favorites is to take a chili(preferably sweet) and stuff it with smoked Gouda cheese and bacon and then grill until done.
  22. The Obama bin Laden line was hilarious. For the most part this debate was quite dull. I really don't think foreign policy should have been the subject considering the state of our economy. It needed to be on various domestic issues. I really don't see this debate as helping or hurting either candidate. It was very bland and the moderator made it even worse. It appears as though Ohio probably will determine who wins the election.
  23. Fortunate to have good populations around here. There's a couple that will steal fish sitting out on the ice at one of my favorite ice fishing lakes. They are certainly awesome to see up close. Very majestic.
  24. I thought this debate was similar to the VP one in that it was hard to watch. They need to be able to switch off the microphones when it isn't their turn to talk.