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Everything posted by fly

  1. Good luck Joe! I decided to do a little more late season doe hunting with the X-bow at another one week public draw area that started yesterday. It's an odd area to hunt as I'm looking at a closed play ground area from my stand (LOL). I'm not expecting much but it's all I got as the private land I hunt is being logged and with all the chainsaw activity there isn't a deer on the property. I'm actually down to one and 1/2 deer in the freezer.
  2. fly

    Forum Leaderboard

    There is a Leader board tab at the top of the forum page - to the right. Not sure of the exact date - all I know is that the contest ended when I was the leader. I Just got off the phone with Ben Gordon - he wasn't able to set up a hunt for me until next year at the 1/4 brothers ranch. However, this year he's taking me out for fish sticks at the Waffle House. Then to Darrel Blandon's house to go on a boat ride. If you're not a Monsterbucks fan you're probably thinking I'm crazy about now.
  3. Having a great season Tim. Have harvested a couple does and two nice bucks - one from KY (private) and one from IL (public). The stories and pics are in the Deer Hunting room. Thinking the KY buck is 4.5 and will score about 135 and estimate the IL buck to be 5.5 and score about 145. I too was happy to see William get some redemption on that 9 point!
  4. Great picture as usual Ruth. Congratulations on the doe!
  5. fly

    New Site

    I've always known there was an issue with Buckee (Steve) a few years ago but don't have a clue what it was all about. His post count was almost as high as William. The RT forum was declining before that anyway - Facebook, and other social media was probably a big reason why. I've gotten used to it. The deer contest is the best part of the forum for me. I love following the progress of the team and sharing the experience with others - my girlfriend isn't big on deer stories. LOL
  6. fly

    Forum Leaderboard

    I just noticed that the new forum update has some additional bells and whistles. Looks like I finally won something! I'll be expecting a call from Bill Jordan to take me hunting any day now. HA!
  7. If you have help it's not so bad and if it is under 180 pounds and if you're in shape. The one below I got in 2008 when I was 10 years younger! He field dressed at 205lbs and I carted it out alone. Took me 6 hours to cart/drag him about 3/4 mile down a steep hill and through a creek bottom. There were no trails and a storm had knocked a lot of trees into the creek. If was opening day of a three day season and I wanted to hang it in camp for everyone to see since I only had one buck tag and would be hanging around camp a lot. My son shot a six point near the same area in 2013 and remembering that drag out from 2008 prompted me to use the field butchering method.
  8. Congratulations! I know those types of drag outs from public ground all too well. Now, if I'm hunting WAY back I take my large pack, a rope and couple trash bags. Hang the deer in a tree as best I can and butcher right where he drops. Place the meat in the trash bags and fill my pack. Then head back to camp.
  9. Glad you will have some time to battle your infection now. I just saw my doctor for a persistent cough and he wants me to try an acid reflux medication. We'all see. I think antler repair is the way to go for a mount. Some people don't like it, but I see taxidermy as the art of returning the bucks appearance to what it was. Especially since you have trail cam pics.
  10. Congratulations William! Glad you were able to close the chapter on this one - third time (shot) is a charm! Looks like the left brow tine is broke? I'm going to guess 125 gross score. Beautiful buck!
  11. Great story - Not many girls her age would spend that much time in a stand. Congratulations!
  12. Thanks Aaron, decided to do a double pedestal mount with the IL buck on top and the Kentucky one below. Good luck to you Aaron as we close out the season!
  13. The taxidermist said it may be a while before he gets around to removing the antlers. Once I get the call I'll update this with his green score. I'll be tickled with anything in the 130's.
  14. She looks like one happy girl! Congratulations!
  15. Checked the score board just to see and we are a doe away from a 1st place tie. Martin - are you able to harvest a doe this year or just looking for a mature buck?
  16. fly


    I'd say he was born on April 28th, 2012 at 6:07am. Great deer - hope you get a crack at him next year. You might find this interesting.
  17. Congratulations AL! I sometimes forget to check the Bow hunting room.
  18. The accuracy of those crossbows is amazing. Congratulations on a great buck.
  19. Thanks for the positive comments my RT friends.
  20. I saw Catrina's buck - big body and looks mature. Great looking TN buck! Ya know, every night before bed I think to myself... "How in the heck could William have MISSED that buck!" LOL I wouldn't worry about it - could be that that particular round was defective for some reason. Could be odd timing in that the buck heard something (not you) just before you shot and was in the process of doing the duck and run and the bullet sailed over his back. Perhaps a small twig or something fell from above and right into the barrel and you never knew it causing the bullet to stray a bit. Whatever the reason - I"m POSITIVE it wasn't your fault.
  21. fly

    OK Buck

    Great looking buck!
  22. Looks like a fully mature whitetail Katrina, nicely done! Think he weighed over 180 before being field dressed?
  23. Wait till you stop coughing. I've been battling a cough for two months now. Going to see the doctor next week.Did Cattina get her buck?