Been a while! While the forums were down I've taken a mature doe and a 6 pointer on the last day of a week long public ground draw hunt. He offered me a chip shot and I wasn't seeing anything for the wall so I took him. Putting my new hoist to good use! Been a great year already - now I'm looking for a wall hanger.
My son missed a nice buck in KY. An 8 point at 25 yards with his ML. He's only 14 and got a serious case of buck fever. Still - hard to believe He missed at 25 yards with a ML he can hit a quarter at 50 yards with.
In IL I had a decent 8point at 38 yards. Shot was good - he ducked the shot and it went over his back. First buck I've seen this season. Came out to feed in a cut corn field an hour before dark when a cold front moved in.
Doe tags have been a controversial topic here in IL. Currently there is no limit to the number of tags that can be purchased over the counter (archery). There is no limit to the number of antlerless deer harvested. However, only 2 bucks can be harvested in one season. In some public draw areas I hunt it is common to see 20+ deer during an evening hunt. Some of the other areas I hunt you might not see a deer at all. I wouldn't argue if a four deer per year limit was imposed.
Been hunting 2-3 days each week and so far haven't seen a buck yet. Have had some uncharacteristic East winds that have prohibited me from hunting my best stands. We are in the middle of the October lull right now so I don't expect to see a shooter for another 2 weeks. I'll still be looking for another mature doe. I'm taking my 14 year old son down to KY for the ML season this coming weekend. I think we will have plenty of action based on the trail cam pics. No bucks big enough for me to shoot, but 4 eight pointers that he's got the green card on.
You talked me into it. If he shows up he's toast.
The 50 acres I hunt are bordered by a 300 acres of corn and beans. In January and February the deer turn to grazing the grass in the cattle pastures. There are also several acorn trees in the area so the nutrition is about as good as it could be.
You guys kill me! LOL William, I have not seen this buck yet. Trying to decide if he would be a shooter. At first I was thinking 130 - 4.5 year old which I'd most likely shoot. After reading the comments and studying a few other pics I have I think he's a 3.5 year old and might gross 125 inches. The pic above was taken toward the end of September - a few days before the season opened. Problem with not shooting him is that he's been a day time buck and there is no way he'll make it through shotgun season unless he goes nocturnal. Still I may hold out for The bigger 160 inch buck I have pictured in the contest thread for team 2. Then again - I may not. Probably won't know till the time comes - if it does. Lol
Martin - that is the same one I just bought and installed. Cabela's had it for 109.00 and I used a 20 dollar off coupon and after using my points I paid 5 bucks for it. William, Do you use the reciprocating saw once the meat is removed for disposal? I generally use a hatchet to get the skeleton in a trash bag. I used a chain saw once but it was too messy so I stuck with the hatchet. Tomorrow is opening day and we just had a cool front move in. I'll be up at 3am getting ready and then out to the stand an hour before daylight. Here is what I'm after.
Love the team name! Aaron - I have been processing my deer (and those of friends/family) for about 10 years now. After years of using a pulley system or come along, I finally bought and installed an electric hoist for the carport. I'll put some pics up of it in use later when it actually gets used. I've been busy getting things done around the house and at work so I'll have more time to hunt this once the season opens Saturday! Joe, that is a fantastic buck! I hope you connect!
I wanted Trump to win but think his rather consistent aggressive approach hurt him. He repeated things on multiple occasions and while some jabs were warranted when one does it excessively people don't hear the crucial jabs as well.
First place - lets keep our lead! With a freezer full of meat it's time to get some bone for the wall! I've still got a couple weeks till IL deer season opens though. Probably won't have any more pics up for a while as it will have to be 130 inches and they are tough to get before the rut.
Been shooting a lot this week and I have the Mathews dialed in well out to 30 yards. Only at 60% (6 inch diameter bulls eye) at 40 yards so will be shooting a lot today and tomorrow.
Frank (fly) checking in. I'll be hunting KY this weekend hoping to get a couple does. Goals for this year are to get 4-5 deer in total for meat. Then to bag a 130 inch or bigger buck. We'll see. I'm good with any team name you all prefer. Here's a couple off the top of my head - Camo comrades, Tine takers, or maybe the Vital seekers.
Hi Randy and welcome back. Glad to hear life has been treating you well. God has certainly been good to me the last couple years. My two kids are in high school and doing well. My son hunts, daughter doesn't. I've connected on some nice deer including a 153 inch 12 point in 2014. Also reconnected with my first girlfriend from high school a little over a year ago and things are going great. You should enter the deer contest this year to be sure you don't miss the 180 inch I harvest this November.