That's a pretty significant increase and if the state can't afford to lose an additional 7500 deer I'd move to lower the number of available permits. In IL the 2011 archery season saw 63,570 deer harvested (crossbows were not legal unless handicap). In 2012 when crossbows were allowed only 61,974 deer were harvested in the archery season. One might say it was because total numbers were much lower, but that isn't the case either. in 2011 a total of 182,270 deer were taken while in 2012 181,451 deer were taken.
I think the numbers have to be managed closely and other considerations have to be looked at too - such as deer/vehicle collisions and disease. All these things contribute to the health of the herd and can be intervened upon. Restrictions on hunting is just one way to keep a healthy herd.
The thing that worries me the most is when dollar signs influence management decisions. The more permits the DNR sells the more money they receive. If that money went to the DNR to improve state parks and whatever - fine. However, my state has a history of "borrowing" DNR money and using it for other stuff.