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Everything posted by aksheephuntress
...Hey! -I still think of you and Christina and I sitting on that huge fallen log, eating sandwitches and passing around the giant bottle of mayonaisse!!-lol :chat: -that was so hillarious.......and, you gals did some serious treking on the hunt; with loaded packs,heavy rifle,without hardly a complaint... -I have felt pretty bad about not getting us on an animal when you were up here; I think about it all a lot; but,I want to thankyou for all the great memories, Catrina...you guys were super troopers!...and I want to let you know,you're always welcome to come back, anytime....
...thanks, Ruth!! -hopfully I won't be falling off the face of the earth again, anytime soon,-lol- -looking forward to following your turkey hunt this season....when does it open?? -and also, hearing about the job!!...how do like it?? -I hear you're super busy; but,you've always had a full plate, handling it it super;I don't know how you do it all! -it's good to be back....
....Thanks, Karen!! -I've really missed you, and everyone here!... -yep, I'm still kicking; lots to catch up on, and share... -How is your Harley?....I'm looking forward to seeing all your pics from this past year...I hear you've been doing some great riding, awesome trips throughout the states! -I've always enjoyed hearing about your adventures....still looking forward to you making it up here, one of these days!!.... -have you been able to get the bike out this season,yet??( still have snow??)
-Oh, boy!...thanks for the kind offer, Vince; that's really generous of you!!!- lol....sounds like you'll have your hands full.......you're going to have a great year!!:camera: -Terry and I and the kids would just love to, but we'll be gearing up for a pretty busy season ourselves, with filling the freezer with a few bear this year( God willing),and putting up fish- planning a possible deer hunt in the Southeast of the state- -besides...I've got a 9th"blind date" attempt to connect on a ram.... -will be nice to focus on family for a season; hoping my parents can make a trip up,as my father has been battling prostate cancer- -Nice to see you getting into bowhunting, and possibly the sheep hunting!!! -be careful; serious and permenant addiction ahead- :yes:
....oh, my....... -a possible heart transplant?? -continued prayers from Alaska for Dakota....
...I hope you win, Mike...! -and, I've been voting for you as often as I can too, since I got your email... -kathleen
...Hey, Vince!-- -you and I just talked this morning, though-lol- ...wasn't I right, a couple of months back, when I said this was great forum with super people?! -Anyway....yes, it's good to be back; and, about time, I admit- -a lot of catching up to do... -Congratulations on all those draws!! -we didn't draw for anything, but ,Congratulations to you and the family on all those awesome draws!! -that's a lot of wonderful meat!!
Hi, Ruth....Kathleen here... -I've missed you; -and, everyone here.... -a lot to catch up on.... -Congratulations with the job!! -you have worked really hard for that, through school, and all...
........Prayers from Alaska for Dakota, and his family... -I was really alarmed and concerned to hear about this happening; (as everyone here has probably been)... -thoughts and prayers for his restoration of health and strength.... .....may the Lord Bless you and Keep you, Dakota... -kathleen
....a glimpse of what I have been doing since the 2nd week of September..... 23 days total of trying to hunt mountain goats.... -might have been the only goat tag I draw in my lifetime, but I gave it my all.....(season was Aug 10th, thru Oct 15th...didn't start after them until Sept 8th-) -my .358 Norma mag broke in a fall down a rock face one day- -straight up, straight down....but I learned a lot about billies- -of all the years I have lived here....each time I get above timberline , my breath is still taken away- ( and not just literally-) -this is part one, of a four-part video series(spotting for billies) I just have thrown together since unpacking- -I joined "Youtube" an hour ago,seems like everyone else puts their life on it... ....this video clip is in there- -more, soon- ...thankyou, Nick, for helping me see and understand....
......I don't get it.....?? ....lol- good one, Steve! -I've truly missed your jokes-
....Christina caught on quick to the terrain up here....natural climber, and eager to get her feet wet!-(sometimes literally.....) -her attitude was super, the entire trip to the end....- ...the above clip with Christina and Catrina is priceless....I love the look on her face when the salmon jumps out of her hands... -all my pics are too big right now...but, I don't care...-I have 20 min. or so right now, and I'm just going to post what I have so far, up here- -maybe RB can help me- -the first pic again- ....another one of Christina...on Bear Lake Island...
...we were all pretty much squared away with our gear, packs by the the time it got dark last night....lol- -Catrina and Christina and I picked blueberries for on top of everyones' cereal this morning.... -assembling rifles, loading the range gear...-headed out to the range for a bit- -Kirk and Terry hiking out to the lake, and a spur -of -the moment mystery guest hike out to the lake late morning...Norm and Two fly out with the boat motor, fishing gear and gas in the floats at 3:00pm(dep. on weather of course- things can change quickly-) -the girls and I are heading up either into the bowl of Mt Alice, or up Bear Mtn for a 9 or 10 hr excurision today....-going to meet up with the guys out at the lake in 2 days -we hopefully will have at least a bear down before then....maybe will surprise the guys.... -I fill the clouds will lift early afternoon....-don't pay attention too much to the weather reports..... -us girls will update here, tonight- -so awsome that everyone is finally here..... -kathleen
....what a terrible tragedy here in Seward last week... -the boys and I were taking a hike up the canyon to glass for goats, after my IBEP class......-we were there right after it happened.... -a lot to think about...and to be thankful for- - a lot - -please pray for the Hengy family.... http://www.ktuu.com/Global/story.asp?S=10934835#
....summer in Alaska..... first: brown bear next to the house-(no comment from you, SteveB...-lol- I wasn't really following him...) ....the fish wier on Bear Lake... http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii124/aksheephuntress69/th_CIAAbearcreekredswierandfishpaens15.jpg' alt='th_CIAAbearcreekredswierandfishpaens15.jpg'>
....We are ready; have all the packs lined out....assorted sizes of hip waders laid out ...(Norm said he was a 12D....Catrina is a 7 women's....which makes it a size 5 men's...-I think-)-anyway: we have 14 pair of hip waders from size 1 thru 13......(mostly 8's, 9's , and 11's....)-we'll make it fit- -float plane scheduled, sat.phone charged..... -mindset there... -Mike Little(who you all will meet in a bit...) is gracing us all with his culinary skills for the next 10 days.... -SteveB kind of knows him..... -the berries are ripe, fish are in, fireweed ready to go to seed.....moose are manuvering...bear are walking by the house....-we're ready to pick this group up and do some awesome hunting..... -someone will be doing some daily updates.... -I thankyou, Realtree family... -and I have missed you all....
...prayers from Alaska for Tred's full recovery..... -you will be coming back up for that bear hunt, Tred.....
....birthday wishes from Alaska...... -have a great day, Billkay .....and Coles......
...this is a tremendous occasion....- -thankyou to everyone who helped in getting these guys up here....-and especially to Ruttinbuc Mike, who handled all the auction threads....a lot of work and effort!....-and got the raised funds to them just in time.... -thankyou,so much, to those in the RT family.... - Now: -time to hunt!
...this is truly awesome....powerful... -your post says it all, Dan- -thankyou ALL for this reality to come into being for these guys.... -thankyou for giving of yourselves - for a wish, and a dream...... -and, Ruttinbuc Mike- -never in a million years ,would I have been able to do what you have done- you are a really special person... -see you soon- -we'll see the group really soon....a few hours 'till the train gets here, I guess....(I don't have a watch- I'm just guessing....)
...a friend of ours, and his dad, brought this beautiful fish by, and we grilled it up....fed them, and our whole family! -Mackenzie and Rebekah posing with it- (1st week of June, 4 weeks ago...-date on my camera is off again...someone fiddling w/ the set-up)
...never thought to find this-lol- -thought it was a cute pic, to post ....- -this is the mount we got back last year- first one we had done in the lying down position-
...never thought to find him sitting here....-lol-
-sharp guitar!! -I was curious about the compostition and construction as well, after your previous thread on this.... -I imagine it is impervious to extreme cold temps, as well?? -glad you are feeling so much better, Leo!!