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Everything posted by aksheephuntress
-this is awesome, Dakota! -you definitely have the right attitude and perspective..... -thankyou for making my day, with this!
-woah!! -this flu outbreak sure is scary....-it almost seems other-worldly, until it starts cropping up close to home.... -prayers for everyone in your church...-I hope the tests come back negative... and, prayers, also, for the missionaries that Double-A spoke of, that they stay protected from this awful disease....
-wonderful news! -continued prayers from Alaska, Kyle..... -you and your dad sure are both hard-headed..... -wishing for a speedy, complete recovery-
...birthday greetings from Alaska... -have a wonderful day, Bret!
-woah!! -sorry to hear this!....-and glad to hear that your injuries were not worse...had to have been pretty bad , though, if you were hospitalized for a few weeks....-yikes! -welcome back....
....an Alaskan/arctic perspective..... ...I hope you all enjoy these video clips....-a way of life, and a perspective very important to us up here.... -kathleen (tatetopawin)
bear baiting - first vid clip for starters...
aksheephuntress replied to aksheephuntress's topic in Lounge
....thanks, guys.... -Anthony- I really like this sight- the Tru Glo- the LED pins are so bright, I don't even need to use the battery light attatched(artificial light is illegal to use in AK...and, lots of other states, though-) -yes, I have seven pins...-lol- but, only accurately set to 40- I'll set the 50, 60, and 70 pin before Wyoming, though..... -I only have this bow poundaged (is that a word?-lol)- to 43 lbs... (it's maxed out, actually a youth bow- ) -I love this bow- -I have a Martin Jaguar set at 55 lbs....the AK min. for mtn goat, brown bear, moose,bison etc- is 50 pds- -min draw weight up here for black bear, sheep, caribou, deer, wolf, wolverine, is 40 - -Miranda....-yes...-I would have taken this bear...-we are not too concerned about the size- primarily want to just fill the freezer... -and his coat was absolutely BEAUTIFUL..-all the bears that came in and were watched/filmed were...we were pretty fortunate to have ended up with a great area, and had between 5-9 bear coming in every evening- a lot of work, though....-prior to hunting over the bait, and during/ also, seperate runs in with bait, mornings, etc- -what we used as bait seemed to attract just black bear, no brownies.....(unfortunately, the brown bear have gotten in there , now- one more day left(as far as baiting)- we'll see what happens- -We got the bait station going this year for Jim- he was up here for 2 weeks-Terry lined him out on the station, and he ended up hunting pretty much solo most evenings.... I'm sure he will be posting pics here soon.... -he ended up getting a lot better quality video than I did-(that is, after he kept coming back on the 4-wheeler each night, telling us these stories of all the great bears coming in-I said,"Jim, use that fancy new camera you have and take some VIDEO"- I listened to all the excuses...-"I'm in the treestand"-and..."well, where am I going to put my bow", and -oh- I loved this one..."you see, my release is different from yours...I can't hold the camera"-) ok.......- so, hence the clips I decided to take here(more to come)- I had been running bait out mornings, and Jim was hunting the evenings- Terry and I had been WAITING (ok, Jim...just PICK one...lol-:yawn:)to hunt until Jim harvested....he ended up getting some AWESOME pics and video...and, a respectable bear.....I'll let him fill ya'll in...... -the evening of this clip, I got to go out in the evening- Jim took a break- -I'm just going to keep posting video clips until he gets around to posting... oh- and he and Terry went out on a halibut charter...-they had good weather...-didn't get into the big ones, but at least he was able to take home a 50- lb box of fish and meat with him- the smaller ones are tastier, anyway- -Jim took my IBEP class when he got up here (required to hunt bear over bait in this game area of AK)- and he was really helpful with some of the other guys in the class with his bow equipment knowledge- he helped this one kid out that had something wrong with his bow; we were all racking our brains trying to figure out what it was, and Jim figured it out- -hey, Buckee....-yes, you are right- the bears are quite hard to judge- this one looks not too bad in size...especially lying down-but, in some later clips I'll post, you can see when they stand up, how long their legs are- -beautiful coats, for sure! -and they all taste great! -there were a lot of small ones coming in- -just awesome to sit up there and listen to everything...-the eagles, float planes, wood peckers, squirrels.....all the unique songbirds...... -here's a couple funny ones...-I am a messy girl. -always think before handling molasses...-funny story with it; -a bear had taken off with my molasses when I was off over the ridge scouting a bit for an hour-(didn't think anything would bother the jug, and in only an hour...-WRONG...:nono:boy, I was mad-well, I went searching, and found it- had bite marks in it, but it was mostly all there... wow, now I know the true meaning of the old phrase-"as slow as molasses"- it took FOREVER for that jug to empty out, back at the bait tree(we don't use barrels...-more on that, later-) -and, I could hear the bears milling around, pacing through the alder, waiting for me to leave - -black bear are like big dogs....-if one would come in too close to you, you could kick it, if you had to(and, no, I don't believe in kicking dogs...) -but....-brown bear....that's a whole other story....I keep the Colt Anaconda on my hip just in case- ...never thought I was that talented...-anyone ever been able to get molasses to pour UP?? ...Oh....-about the arrow on the ground...-not mine- -I'll let Jim fill you in on that one....lol- -
....tee hee hee....... -yeahhhhh....really funny one, Mike.... :kiss: -that was a good one-
.....that does sound like fun.... -just, be careful....always hold a big cup o' joe in one hand, and do all your wiring with the other....-never a chance of getting zapped- :pullup: -have a good week- that's really cool you are helping your dad with that stuff-
bear baiting - first vid clip for starters...
aksheephuntress replied to aksheephuntress's topic in Lounge
-I will be back a little later today- -had a thought, that maybe this might get moved....-just posted this first one here in the lounge, for starters...- -I understand, and don't mind, if it gets moved- -
- bear was lying down facing away at 25 yards, enjoying the molasses-sauteed bait scraps and bone- -hard to film with my little camera, in one hand- -beautiful coats on these bears, fun and educational to watch- -more to come-
....Wow!- pretty amazing.... -great clips, Steve-glad you posted these- (and thankyou, also, Orlan-)
- Congratulations, Joe!! -are you going to post some pics?? also....how is Alex doing?
-beautiful, Leo!! -I'm glad the surgery went well..... -and, hoping you're not in too much pain- -please tell Mary hi for me.....
man look who's birthday it is.....Strut10
aksheephuntress replied to Hunt or be Hunted's topic in Lounge
-birthday greetings from Alaska.... ...hope you have a blast of a birthday, Don!! -
...that's awesome news, Chris! -glad to hear this, and continued prayers for you..... -btw..... "Doc thinks it might be something cervical related".......I didn't know you had a cervix.....:clown:
....absolutely beautiful, Kyle........ -what an incredible month ..... the healthy birth of your baby boy, and also, the miracle with the positive outcome of your dad's tragic accident.... -this was unbelievable to read at one sitting...- -the Lord is truly great- -awesome pictures!....beautiful family, Kyle....
Hey, Ruth! -kathleen here..... :pullup: -getting ready for goat season.... -and,looking forward to seeing all your pictures from camp... -and, with YOU as the nurse!
-I'm pretty tired and need to catch a few hours of sleep before heading back out to the bait- -I'd like to look at it more tomorrow- but, first glance....-does there seem to be something on the right, under the shade of the larger bush of the diagonal line of bushes,in front of that rock outcropping?- is that the hind end/quartering away of a deer? -if I were in that hot heat, that's the kind of place I'd want to be- -under a bush..... -looks like a great trip, Jeff!
....Hey, Ben- -Have you been hanging out with Orlan?? :clown: -does he live near you? -does he listen to Michael Jackson?? -I just had to ask- .....I don't know; -I'm just kind of perceptive about things like this....- too much of a coincidence- -we've been pretty sleep-deprived here the past few weeks baiting bears....Terry's heading back in on the wheeler from the bait, in a bit....my "shift" starts in around 3 hours from now- -the last count -down of the season, ends in a few hours on the 30th- -more about that, in a different thread- I don't want to hijack your thing you got going here, Ben- (ps....-I missed you, too, Orlan......)
-Oh, Dear!??.... -do I have the right room?....right forum?? ...and- where did the smilies go??! -how do I use these?? ...i'm so confused..... :robot: .......:pullup:- :crutch:........:hammer1: :clown: :bat: -and, what does this thing do? :laser: -wierd- -Ben, I feel that a person should be respected after they have passed, regardless- -even though I never did get his music, nor cared for his voice- -I apologise...-I haven't been here in so long(just popped in a few days ago briefly-)- I am not sure even where to start...-so many things have happened here with everyone on the forum...-so overwhelming..... -I am at a loss to know where to start- -ok, here , I'll start with myself.....this looks like fun-:hammer1: -probably will do me some good- -great to hear from you, Ben!- is the new job going alright? :pullup:....I think this one is my favorite- -whose idea was this, anyway?
...Thankyou, Mike, for posting this; and for all that you are/have been doing to handle this fundraiser effort for Two-Pointer and Norm!
....I want to thank Hammerforged, William, and Ohiobucks for generously donating to the fundraiser for Mike and Norm to be able to get up here to Alaska this August... -and way to go,and thankyou, to all who bid on these awesome items!
-thankyou for donating this, Luke...... -and, many thanks for the generous bids! -we are getting closer to getting Mike and Norm up here this August.....