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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. 92xj

    Outdoor Management.

    Goodluck, Hope you succeed with what you decide and with the drive to go back to school. Thinking about it and doing the homework to see what is offered where you want to go to school is the first step. I will pray that you stick with your plan and get into the program you decide on. Doing something that you will enjoy is a great gift. I am very fortunate to have found an awesome job that I love doing and hope that I will continue to do it for a long time. Thoughts and prayers will be with you as you make the first steps in the journey and I hope that you will stick it out and get back to school to learn the things you need to land that job of a lifetime. Goodluck my friend.
  2. Silent Blessing Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose Learning experiences is what its about, now you know what you have to do next time. Keep that head up and it will work out in the end. Thoughts and Prayers shall be with you on your journey.
  3. Pictures Steve, Pictures!!! Geez, what do we have to do to get some pictures?
  4. Have a good time. Kentucky Turkey was there a couple of months ago and i was there 6 months ago. There is a go cart track across the road from the "upside down" building,(the kids museum thing) that waters there glass smooth track down every run. It is insane fun. 18 minute helicopter rides for 25 bucks, not a bad price. Those are always fun. Always a great time to be had down there. Just think, while you are there, if there was an ocean right behind the "strip" you would be in Myrtle Beach.:clown:
  5. Cool story, He seems like he is beginning the "dream" of a designer. I hope to do the same some day. Not with a car, but with a concept of mine. That car looks alright, but it's kind of like a reverse mullet. The front looks sweet but the rear looks like butt. Something on the rear needs to change to "make" the concept. Anyhow congrats to the dude for using his education and personnal desire for the TA to design it and get public recognition for it.
  6. is that a moose heart at the base of the tree to the right?
  7. you can come over here and watch it with me. If you leave now, you could get here when the game starts. :clown:
  8. Never said they were. Just saying that the possibilities of these small teams beating big names can happen. And it would be cool to watch it happen.
  9. I remember, not too long ago, a small no name tame that went by the name of Appalachian State Mountaineers who beat Michigan the opening game. By far one of the biggest upsets in College football history. I would love to Florida get beat, I know it will not happen but if it does it would be sweet!
  10. 92xj


    What are you going down the New River in that you have a window? Are you driving the truck in the water or what?
  11. Cant wait. First game of the Year and what a way to start... South Carolina and NC State. Come on Gamecocks. This will be one of the biggest things I miss about being back "home", going to the USC games down in SC.
  12. Why not Private sell the truck and then purchase in full a mid pre 95 Toyota mini truck or 95-2002 tacoma? That way you will still have a truck and then you will have something that gets decent gas mileage and have 0 monthly payments instead of lower ones. Seems like a win win win situation to me. Truck, gas mileage and no payments.
  13. Once they are saved to the computer, photobucket will allow you to download 50 pics at a time and it resizes them as it dumps them into their site. Doing 50 at a time is a lot better than one at a time. Just a thought. When you sign up there it gives you the option to download them at 4 or 5 different sizes. One option was named, website posting, or something like that. Sign up and check it out. Also, by doing that you can go through and post the pictures you want but then also post the address to the entire account to see all the pics. Just like I did with the pics of me coming across the country. Anyhow, good luck and GET TO IT!!!!! I AM READY TO SEE THEM, DANG IT. EDIT: This also allows you to keep the picture size large on the hard drive. You want to keep those big because when you find one you want to print out, the quality will be great. Or if you want to blow one up the larger pic will be better but the ones on the internet will be small enough for posting. Right now I have somewhere around 700 pics on my photobucket and I think I am around 19% full. So dont worry about the limit on the account.
  14. Congrats on first Blood!!! Get a picture with everybody together. hope the rest of the hunts go good and I am looking forward to the stories and pics. Take a bunch for us that are not out there. I am jealous and want to see it all.
  15. thats what I figured, I was just givin ya a hard time
  16. haha, that picture seems so backwards. Normally I would hang a camera on the tree and take pics of the field but you managed to somehow hang the camera on some food plot growth and take pics of the trees:clown: Now, the pic looks to be some sort of whiskers. How high off the ground did you have it set?
  17. It was on Pirate4x4.com. I would adivse you to not post anything over there being a newbie on that site. Those guys will tear you apart, :clown:. When I get home I will try and find the pic again and host it somewhere else so you can see it. Just imagine what a bubble letter "plus" sign looks like:clown:
  18. Did everyone who read this thread skip over the very first line in the post? :laser:
  19. Where should I begin… First off, I think this is a great site with many great people on it. I have met my fair share of great people and hope that one day I will have the opportunity to meet more. In the recent months I have seen a couple of times people say that this place is not what it used to be in the good old days. I have also noticed that none of these people seem to be trying to get it back to “that” way. Yeah I am “new” but I feel like I contribute to the conversations. I may say things that tick people off and people here might not like me, so what. If I am going to let people’s opinions of me on the internet effect my personal life then maybe I do need to leave for a while. Take people’s opinions with a grain of salt and move on. I enjoy this site and the people here, even the ones I “don’t like” they are still fun to pick with. For the folks that don’t like me, meet me off this forum, I bet you will get new thoughts and feelings about me. I do a lot of things here out of humor. Most people get the humor and some don’t, but I also know when its time to be serious and say the “correct” things. I have tried to contribute as much as I can to the people in need on this site that I have never met before and know nothing about. The reason I do this is because I want to help people. I do know that all the thoughts and prayers here helped me get across the country with zero issues and that means the world to me that people here actually had me in their prayers and they have no idea who I am. So, back to the OP’s topic, the guys will be missed, no questions about it! Sorry it’s not like it was years ago. Take people’s opinions and thoughts as a grain of salt. Grow thick skin and realize this is the internet, and people like to express their opinions in ways you might not like. How it affects the forum will all be in the response to the opinion. The whole Sport teams and people saying teams suck and you suck because you like this certain team is pretty darn common. Who really cares if you like another team? And do you honestly think the people think you are a horrible person because you like a certain team? Anyhow, to the people here, to the ones I like and also the ones I don’t, Thank you for making this place what it is today. I enjoy it here and will continue to enjoy it. If I start to lose the joy I will leave. That is my call. Have an awesome day, week and good luck to everyone in the upcoming hunting seasons!!! Oh, and Shaun, Chevy sucks….Toyota rules!!!! PS!!!!- Do not write in word and copy and paste. It takes more time deleting the dang {[font-blah blah blah]} crap. Dang that was annoying. :clown:
  20. Dog, it wasnt me, I just copied and pasted the dudes thread here for our laughter and enjoyment, so go on make the stupidity comments....its ok. :clown:
  21. No need to get too worked up. These people that kill snakes and talk about it often will soon be complaining about crazy rat and mice problems in their homes and yards. I personally am not affraid of snakes and tend to pick up and play with most of the ones I find. The only ones that I have killed have been ones that I have found inside my dog's house and one that dropped in the fishing boat about 4 in the morning. Killing snakes because you are afraid of them is one of the most dumb excuses I have heard, but to each his own. I dont care what you do at your house with your time.
  22. I hate work filters! Guess I will have to wait til tonight to see the pics.