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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. My God, are you spying on me? Weird!!!!
  2. It hopefully will be soon!!! Thank you, my personal opinion is I dont care what you think. I am weird and tacky, thats what makes me different than you. There are some up here, but they are a different breed. I am at that point where i am trying to avoid relationships, I am really enjoying this single life and with hunting season and the holidays coming up, i want to keep it as cheap as possible. I dont want to have to be paying for two hunting and fishing licenses, as well as two plane tickets to fly home. 2009 is all about me!! and I am loving it.:clown: I would highly recommend them! Great work, great customer service, great communication and a great product!
  3. Finally found it to set a reminder. For my cable on the Outdoor Channel its 4:30 and 10:30 pm.
  4. my guide says, ultimate adventures on thursday at 7:30.
  5. 92xj

    Poor little fella!

    so whats its name?
  6. And that is why I did it, I am weird and not like you.
  7. So, the new lady got some new ink..... First, I must say thank you to TINK and his buddy at Out-Spoken images. I contacted them after I posted about custom stickers. Within 2 days, talking via emial, Him and I had a 1 square foot design down and ready to print. I sent the check and within two days of him receiving the check the stickers came in the mail. Here is what I got printed...... Also got her a new tube top.... Here is her new ink on her!!! Anyhow, Now she is like no other! Say hello to Veronica.
  8. 92xj


    hope you enjoy and wear the hat proudly;)
  9. Awesome!!!!! Another reason I wish I was back home. That early season is nice. Sucks huning in 100 degree weather but the velvet payout is well worth it in my opinion. Congrats on the great deer.
  10. New pots and pans, hot pads, apron, wash clothe, broom, vacuum or just new bags for the one you have. Make a picture book with all the pictures you have taken together. A day at the spa. Go get one of those books that says 101 ways to say I love you without saying I love you and check off all the ones you have done for her. (that one has worked greast for all the past Ex's, well maybe not since they are all Ex's, but they liked it at the time). Go catch a butterfly or two and place them in between two pieces of plexi glass, write "you are the most beautiful thing in the world" with puffy pant on the outside. Sign a card and cook her dinner. Any of these last four and you will be golden.
  11. if it offends you I will take it down
  12. err, I would be very careful of what I say on a public forum. You never know who is watching.
  13. Google Start trying variations of what you find on there :ninja:
  14. yes, check PM's dont know if I should post it, so I will play it safe and PM you.
  15. my guess.....A deer There is no way to tell what sex or how big of a deer made this track. Dew claws show up with heavy does as well as heavy bucks. Bigger track older deer, but to say its a mature doe, middle aged buck or mature buck, it is all a guess. Put up a cam and see what you have walking around. Cool deal on getting out walking in the woods and scouting!!!
  16. So my sister just got engaged to my best friends older brother ( that is a story all in itself). So she asked me for ideas of how to enter down the isle. She wants to do something fun and different. I sent her a link to this, pretty cool. And before anybody says anything off topic, yes Chris Brown, the artist of this song is a tool. enjoy!
  17. fries??? thats fake grilled chicken, this fat boys on a diet What the heck did I do? One of the pics is nowhere to be found anymore. Man I hate being computer dumb, oh well.
  18. thats just one more dish I have to clean. Did you miss the key word in the title, "single" once I have a maid, I mean wife/girlfriend, the oven will be used. :clown:
  19. No grills or BBQs as you westerns call it, allowed at the apartment
  20. But its dang good!!! Pictures explain process if you want to reproduce this masterpiece.
  21. Tink, sent him a check today, So hopefully I will get a sheet of custom stickers soon
  22. I wanted someone to see how bored I was at work