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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. 92xj

    Will You?

    on the way from the NW
  2. Typically you only glass bed around the receiver leaving the barrel still "floating" the furthest I have ever seen it go down the barrel is 1.5". If he did the entire barrel then they were just trying to show him doing something for the commercial. Its all about contact points and how they effect the vibrations of the and harmonics. For any hunting rifle these are not needed at all. If you want something else to play with, go get an adjustable break and play with the harmonics with it.
  3. If you want to play with your rifle I would recommend glass bedding the receiver while floating the barrel. Glass bedding is more expensive but for me was worth it. All rifles are different but if you are wanting to try something, take it to a shop and let them bed and float it. You should see good changes.
  4. What kind of distance are you shooting and what do your groups look like at that distance? I target shoot 500 + yards. Yes floating the barrel helps in accuracy at that distance for my gun. My deer gun that I shoot anywhere from 25 yards to 500 yards hits dead on everytime and I have not floated the barrel. It all deepends on how your gun is shooting for you now to determine if you believe you need better results.
  5. That sucks Leo, where were you when this happened?
  6. :clown: Why would you buy a lefted handed bow if you are right handed? Even if its on a deal its not going to work for you. On topic.... I would say, Hoyt AM or TH or if your not looking for that kind of money go take a look at a reflex.
  7. All scopes suck Shoot Iron!!! :2guns:
  8. I would volunteer to do this but I dont have hair. I think we should get a big name person on here and of course someone willing to do it and have them shave a MoHawk or dye their hair or something to that effect. For every 10 5 or whatever dollars donated to the "Hair for Alaska" Fundraiser event they have to keep it like that for a day or something to that effect. Just a thought. Feel free to ad to this or someone volunteer or throw out more ideas.
  9. 92xj 25 um....yeah....if someone can figure out the Washington Dates, let me know:clown: out of state will be Sept 15th - Jan 1st DELETED FROM CONTEST, BY REQUEST 8/31/09
  10. Good deal FYI, your opinions still suck :clown:
  11. Well this was fun. Camoman, had a blast, hope there are no hard feelings. See you back in chat homefully, until then....:drink:
  12. 1-Your definition of "Deer Ranch" must be way different than mine. I have never seen in the MB videos them hunt on a NON-FAIR game "ranch" only on 100 % wildchase land but yet they still kill P&Y. 2- David's name is big enough that he is picking what products from sponsors he wants to use not what they want him to use. 3- My point exactly. You were the one saying that you did not watch these shows because of all te product pushing and advertising, correct? Or did I miss something. I was just trying to make you aware that this website was sponsor based as well as the shows you dont watch. Now I could be totally wrong, I dont own this site or know what finances it but I bet I am on the right track with all the sponsors. :yawn:
  13. well, better luck next time
  14. Because I would never want to see how any product I was buying was used in the field before I bought it. Just because I saw a picture of it and read 4 very well written sentences about it out of a magazine has made me determine this is the product for me. If you want to be simple, sit on the ground with no blind with a string, (onle because you saw a knife on tv and it didnt work the way you wanted it to) and strangle the deer when it walks by. But being simple means no need to buy camo that cost money and you saw it on tv, so I guess you could wear those plan blue jeans and a white cotton shirt. That seems pretty simple. Or maybe if you tried one of their products you would be a head in the field because one of those "pitch men" actually had something that would better your line of work. If my company had not have bought AutoCAD 2010 and I was still using AutoCAD 14 (assuming you know what these are since you work at an engineering company) then my job and company would be so far behind we would be shutting the doors. And yes, they had someone come in and sell the product.
  15. So that lumenok DIDN'T make it so you could see your entry hole making you realize you made a horrible shot on a deer and now you are walking through the woods at 10pm bumping your wounded deer that has you traveling more than a mile chasing it. Then you give up for the night saying you will "give it time" (like they say on TV) and come back in the morning. Now once its morning you find half a rack and a leg because the coyotes got to it first. Instead of riding in that bad boy buggy you drove your big bad diesel in scaring all the deer as now you have sat the whole afternoon and only seen does, how dissappointing. And thank goodness you didnt practice on any target because now you have just slung your 5th arrow and are all out. There is now a giant buck under you but we were filming for monster Does, but your shot placement sucks because you didnt practice at a target. Actaully the ONLY reason anybody is successful for hunting and killing any game is strictly LUCK. No one forced any deer to walk out in front of them. Your arguement for commercial and pushing products is the dumbest thing I have seen. What do you think TV is all about and how do you think we have the opportunity to watch shows or even be on this website? Do you honestly think someone is pulling this money out of their pocket and handing it over saying," hey, I have a ton of money use this to run the TV shows and website, we dont need sponsors or any help in financing anything for us." You have to give time for products that are paying your salary, funding your career, and in some cases actually working in the field to help you better succeed on a hunt.
  16. Make sure in the video you do NOT thank anybody that helped you make it or sponsor it. It would be ashame to give people who help you get to where you are any credit.
  17. 92xj

    Where Were You?

    ummm....dont think I can answer that question on RT:hammer1:
  18. Go to your place of work tomorrow and put zero effort in and try not tell sell whatever your work sells for the next week. Report back in a week.......
  19. I'd go sky diving, rocky mountain climbing, I'd go two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
  20. Hypothetically, are you married with a faimly or are you in the current state of your life? If I was married with a family that would be one last month with them. If I was in the current state I am in now, it would be AWN (thats "on" for you non southerners). I believe I would turn wild and wide open (well, even more wild and wide open than I am now) assuming I was not in bad shape if you are talking about one more month in the current state of life, health, and family.
  21. 190 inch 8 with NO stickers, kickers or junk. Straight 8 with mass. Something along these lines with matching 10 inch brows.... 2nd would be anything bigger than my biggest so far.
  22. Also since when did Bill Jordan start shooting a Bear?
  23. That would have been too easy. :hammer1: