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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. Got a link? Apparently my Cabelas search button is broke.
  2. Tell book wow starter to, dad soy ____ ____ to could __ I _______ _____ ........brain hurts now, thats as far as I could go for right now.
  3. Dang, thats awesome! Not every day you see16/4" steps or anything as a matter of fact. What kind of filler are you looking for or thinking about using?
  4. Congrats on a great and successful hunt Timbo. Cant wait to see the pictures!
  5. 10-4 on the knot holes. I am sure you will figure something out. I personally would work more with the poly than the filler. On a side note, Are your steps 12/4 board?
  6. 92xj

    RT Needs

    You know, it really doesnt bother me one bit that you think I post pointless things and my feelings dont get hurt and I sure as poo dont complain to the mods about it. But I know if people were to call others out and yourself about your threads being "pointless" there might be some hurt feelings and people would get bitter.
  7. I seriously didnt mean to make you look like you had no idea what you were doing, I will take the blame though and admit to editing my post that Ohiobucks was referring to.
  8. So what are the thoughts on the new Mathews?
  9. I would suggest taking it outside before pulling the trigger.
  10. 92xj

    RT Needs

    Maybe the mods should just ban all the "new" people that are changing this place to such a bad place and no where near as good and cool as it used to be. Mass banning? Swampy around? Am I first?
  11. Those steps are amazing! I would say scratch the filler and do what you did on the steps everywhere else or maybe one less coat or one more coat to have a slight color difference between the steps and the rest. The poly will fill in a 1/32th and 1/16th gap in two coats, if not one.
  12. 92xj

    RT Needs

    I think everybody gets tired of hearing this last sentence all the dang time. Seems pretty negative Nancy to me. If its not the same and changing maybe its time to move on, or maybe try and make an effort to change the forums back to how they were since it was so great back when.
  13. 1/32th and 1/16th. Dont you think your poly will fill that small of a gap in by itself? Seems like no need for filler on something that small.