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Everything posted by hoythunter37

  1. Man you all have some nice rides. I had an old '87 dakota but it pooped out on me. So now I am stuck with a darn car, but hey it gets me around for now. When I graduate in may I am goin to get a new Chevy 2500. Gosh I cant wait!!!!!
  2. hoythunter37

    Lefty or Righty

    Ok I must just be dumber than a box of rocks but what in the world is southpaw? Left or right? But I am a righty.
  3. HAHAHA my girlfriend thought that was pretty good. She took it better then I thought she would. lol
  4. Dude you are lucky!!! I am glad you are alright tho. That car certianly doesnt look as well...
  5. Man it is getting quiet in here!!! We cant have that. When are your alls seasons starting????
  6. That is awesome. Good find Hannah!! That is to bad he didnt make it though. It is pretty weird the way he was layin there.
  7. WOW that is one awesome deer. You can tell its huge cuz your son is next to it...(or is that your son?) But anyway that is awesome. The one I posted isnt anywhere close to that but man that is a shame to lose. At least you found him though.
  8. WOW that is awesome. So did I just here you were goin to take me huntin with you.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are awesome!!!
  9. That is pretty awesome man. Looks like a fairly nice cat.
  10. Well my buddy and I went out today to shed hunt and look what we found. He took it home tonight but I am going to try and get it tomorrow and score it. It is the first deer I have ever seen with a drop. I know I have only been hunting for 12 years now but still awesome deer and a shame nobody got to get this deer. Its got a at least a 5" drop.
  11. Ya man you too. I put those on there and was lookin at yours. I thought I was doin pretty good but then I see yours and I dont feel so good about mine now. But yours are awesome you have some petty good deer there. I am going out tomorrow night after work. I went out today and my buddy found a huge dead buck. It had a 5" drop. I couldnt believe it....cuz it was on my trail. lol But good luck to ya.
  12. That is awesome!!! looks like a cool lookin spot! I cant believe the deer were comin out when you were doin that. very cool
  13. Team 3 -SHED SNIPERS1-10 sheds 1 set 8pt.
  14. Dang!! o well I guess i will just have to go out for more! lol
  15. Hey just checking in. Shed Snipers sounds pretty cool. I have only found 14 sheds almost tripled my norm. But still goin pretty strong. Hey can we use dead bucks we have found???
  16. Lol thats awesome. I have done that but only with fishin. But I am glad you did ur part and am sure ur friend is happy.
  17. Man I just wanted to thank you all for everything. I know I havent been on here very long or anything, but I have learned tons of stuff. I have been members on other forums and am currently on another one besides this one and all them seem to do it bash one another. It seems like that is all they do it put people and products down. Here everyone is awesome and full of stuff that is worth reading.....well most of it. I dont know if this is bad or anything but I look forward to comin home after work and school to get on here and seein what you all are havin to say that day. Once again thank you all for everything and looking forward to many more days here on RT.
  18. That is awesome!! Thanks Randy I needed that. To funny
  19. Ya that is what I thought as well. I am thinkin he is only around 3 and a half or so. But he will be awesome next year.
  20. Yes I would have to say that he is a target for next year. And ya he does have some junk comin off his brawls.
  21. Thats awesome!! I want a pet deer.
  22. man I wish I was a 6 pointer already. I just miss out on everything! lol