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Everything posted by hoythunter37

  1. There is really not much to say besides WOW...... That is one heck of a deer.
  2. I would have to agree with the second pic bein a doe. She holds her ears a little higher then a buck would.
  3. Wow really nice finds!! Look like you have some pretty good deer in the area.
  4. First bow buck. November 9, 2008 Small but I will take it.
  5. Well this is my first bow buck. Little small but I will take him. Got him on Sunday November 9, 2008
  6. Really nice pics! I wish I had some of those deer in my area.
  7. No pro but I was have to say 4.5 and go about high 130's low 140's
  8. I dont even know how to respond to that! Those are awesome bucks. Congrats on the kill tho. Nice kill with awesome character.
  9. That was awesome video. Great deer too!! I wish I had a better camera.
  10. hoythunter37


    Well currently going to college, but as far as work goes I work for the Department of Natural Resorces in MO at a State Park, the I work the my university's police department, and work for one of my teachers cuttin down tree's and puttin up fence.
  11. I know alot of the bow shops around my area have both used and new bows. I would recommend going there and shooting as many different bows as possiable. When I was looking for my new bow that is all I did for quite some time. You just have to find some that you feel good about. Also if you are looking into getting a used bow I would recommend having your brother with you or someone with you to look over the bow with you. In my mind I would look it over really good and pay attention to the cams. Make sure the barings do not sound rough or squeek. good luck! Happy huntin!