I am kinda glad. Dont get me wrong I think he is a great player but the way he played this year was not so well. WWWAAAAYYYY to many interceptions. But I think it is for the good of him.
O good deal. Sounds like a pretty nice bow. I have an ultratec and want to upgrade to something a little newer. But I cant complain this bow has been great to me for the past 5 years or so.
Count me in. I know there is alot of great bows out there but I would like somewhere that I can just ask people with my type of bow to get answers from. Good idea.
Man I like alot of those. But if I had to choose between all of them i would have to say it would have to be the most different one of all. I mean ya anyone can shoot an typical 8 or 10. But you cant get the same non typical. Just my opinion.
That is awesome! I have always wanted to go bear huntin. I think my dad, brother and I are goin to go in the next couple of years. But awesome pics. Real nice lookin bear.
That is terriable. Sorry to hear that man. I would tell ya I would let you have some of mine. But of course after I gave some of my deer to the people where I hunt and it was time for my deer then I didnt get one. sorry man