O ya and sharing those moments with my brother, dad, cousin, mom, girlfriend or friends. I wouldnt trade it for a million dollars or anything in the world. You just cant get that satisfaction from anywhere else.
I love just being out in the woods. I realized during the first season that my dad took me out with him it was just about being out in the elements. Doesnt matter about the harvest (but that would be nice) it just about being outdoors and appreciating life. It gives me the satisfaction of breathing fresh air and watching gods creation. Watching different animals do what they do or watching a squirrel come just a couple of feet from you and try to figure you out just amazes me. With all the stresses in life just being outdoors and hunting just calms me down. My girlfriend tells me hunting is my crack. lol I would have to agree. Plus when I harvest an animal whether doe, buck, turk, or squirrel is such an accomplishment. God I wish bow season was still in.
You cant really say much about that hunt besides WOW. That is a pretty cool story. Glad you didnt get hurt or anything. But I would have to agree with the other to. Lets go shank a deer right now!
I have a buddy of mine that uses those. As far as I know he has had great luck with them. It seems like that is all he uses anymore. I havent heard of any problems from him about them. Doesnt mean that there isnt tho.
I have a Taurus 1911 that I bought a year ago in march. I have put about 3000 rounds though it. Not much, but I dont have one complant besides the thumb safety on it bigger then I would like but I have not had one jam or misfire. I have also shot the S&W 1911. Real good gun more recoil then my taurus but still really nice gun. My Major let me take a couple of shots with it. Nice gun though. My Taurus doesnt have as much recoil then I imagined it weighs more then the S&W. Both real nice guns.
Dont worry Michael I am still a fawn. But hey love the shows. Wish I could watch Bone Collectors. I dont have the outdoor channel. So if you could let me know how I could watch those that would be awesome!! Got my membership as a bone collector over the my christmas break!!! Good to hear from ya and I glad to see that pro staff gets on these forums!!!
I still shoot aluminums. I am thinkin about switchin to carbons but I just cant seem to bring myself to do it. But I guess we will see what happens within the next 6 months.
I would have to completely agree. It is just like buying a gun. Just because it is good for one person doesnt mean that it will be good for you. Make sure that you try different types and styles. Good luck.
I love the new hoty alphamax! If I wasnt so broke I would get one. But I would totally look into that one and some of the other newer hoyts. Just my opinion.
Hello all I am pretty new to this forum and trying to know the ropes. I all of you all have some pretty good information and I am looking forward to learn from all of you all. But I was wondering if anyone knows if MO is starting to shed yet? I have been talk to quite a few of my buddies and bosses and they are tryin to tell me that they are startin to shed or if the just trying to make me go on a wild goose chase.