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Everything posted by hoythunter37

  1. I really dont carry to much in with me either. I just carry my slate and mouth calls, decoy, and sometimes a nice little pad to sit on. O ya any my gun.
  2. Looks awesome man. Sounds like a good time
  3. I think since Tim is so awesome to meet I think I would like to meet him. Hey Tim why dont you come to Missouri this year!! I will come meet ya and that would be a great reason to go right there!!! lol
  4. Have a good trip tim. Hope all goes well.
  5. That is cool. You always get some great shots!! I will have to go with everyone else that the last one is awesome!
  6. lol I have seen that one before!! that is funny as all get out.
  7. Welcome from MO. Glad to have ya here.
  8. LOL ok my bad. I do take that back my fault I should have rephrased myself when it came to that. I have heard of some good things. But the people that I know that have them seem like they are havin some kind of problems or workin on them. I myself have only shot two of them. And TO MY OPINION I DONT LIKE THEM. Just me. Sorry next time I will rephase what I say.
  9. No offense to ur cali PD friend, but I havent heard anything good from glocks. The guys at the PD that I work at they all say they wouldnt ever buy one for themselves. One of my buddies got one about 6 months ago and he has already had to replace three parts on it. If I were you (I dont have one) go with the XD. I have shot a couple and they are nice. But thats just me I am not an expert by any means but I thought I would share my opinoin.
  10. Dude that is awesome!! Like Jorden said how did you get this opportunity? I am looking at doin the same thing.
  11. Where abouts in missouri are ya from??
  12. Welcome to the forum Allen. There are a bunch of people on here that are awesome and full on good stuff. Hope to see ya for awhile!
  13. I ran track up until this year here at college so I have done alot of conditioning but not for hunting. I figure I am going to have to start back in the routine here in the next year or so.
  14. Wow that sounds like quite the adventure. Sounds like alot of fun. good luck to ya and i hope everything works out.
  15. That is crazy!! Really cool lookin!
  16. Holy cow how can you see that. Where is it at. Maybe I just need to get my eyes checked.
  17. Awesome pic's. Were these the ones you were talking about awhile back about when you were comin home from class??? Nice lookin photos!
  18. I know I have tattoos and all but that is so true and so funny!!!
  19. Ok I will see what I can do. Give me a little bit. Hopefully I will have them by tomorrow but no garentees. But I am gald you like them. I know I sure do.
  20. Nice pic's!! I wish they would have big names come to the MO deer classic.
  21. Well I almost always put 12lb line on mine. but that is just me. I try to get a line that is a dark color like a dark green.
  22. He is the man!! Gotta love him! Good ole uncle ted.