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Everything posted by hoythunter37

  1. hoythunter37


    Man I completely understand. I am only 23 as well and I have been havin back problems bad as well. It seems like once I get it back it I throw it out again and cant hardly get out of bed in the mornings.
  2. That is a great lookin collection so far. Congrats. Man I wish mine would grow a little more. All I have found is two and they were from last year. hope they start pickin up soon.
  3. That is crazy! I hope everyone is alright.
  4. Those are pretty sweet!! Now I wish I had a pair.
  5. Awesome Pictures. The second pic looks crazy. It looks like his eyes are glowing. Nice pictures for sure and good buck.
  6. I love mine. I have never used one before this year and it has brought my groups in quite abit. I got the trophy taker drop away and it is great. They only problem with it is that I shoot alot and the felt that the rest drop's to has worn out so I had to put another piece down but other then that I love mine. My brother has the QAD and he loves that thing. Just my opinon though. If you are really considering it then make sure you take a look at alot of them and make sure you get the one you think will work for you the best.
  7. Heck ya man. I went out for about 4 hours today just glassin open fields and didnt have any luck. But I am glad to see a fresh find it sure does keep me goin. Great find man
  8. Very nice. Congrats on the finds!
  9. Im in!!! Hoythunter37- count me in for around 10 or so give or take a few
  10. Man this game is crap!!! I cant believe Coy is hurt. Well I kinda can that bama dude is huge. But that just makes for a terriable game. I was goin with Texas.
  11. Thank you. Well I actually made that out of walnut. My brother cut down a walnut at his work and had it cut with the bark still on it.
  12. Wow thats pretty cool. Thanks for sharin that.
  13. Holy cow batman!!! That is one heck of a deer. I love the acorn tips on that thing. Great deer and mount!
  14. Heck ya man. Way to go Dan! I wish I could have gotten out tonight. But those roads are a little to bad for me. Congrats.
  15. Congrats on a great season! Im sure it was great to have your young one there with ya on some of those.
  16. Congrats!!! That is awesome and a true blessing. Merry Christmas!!
  17. Well i soaked it in hydrogen proxide for about 8 hours. I didnt want to get the whole skull bright white. I wanted to leave a little bit of color in it. It my opinion I think it looks a little better. But thats just me. Matt
  18. There is no way I wouldnt fling an arrow in their direction. Hitting them would be another thing. No offense to anyone that would pass those deer up but to get a white tail that close with that kind of rack would be crazy not to fling one unless that have just 180-190 deer on their property. Great deer though
  19. Well to be honest. I never had the antlers in the water. I had a buddy that did that and it turned the base of his antlers white. So I put foil on the bases of mine and let the water be right under the antlers about an 1/8 of an inch. Every now and then I would rub some of the simmering water over it inorder to soften the top of the skull.
  20. Well I finally got my euro mount finished up last sunday before I left for work. It was the first time I have ever done a euro mount before and let me tell ya. I dont know how anyone else feels about boiling out the skull and everything but man what a pain the the rear. Although I cant complain to much because it came out really good or atleast I think so. The plaque is out of walnut. I just thought I would share it with you all. Hope ya like it. I posted my actual story on another thread. http://www.realtree.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94023 Matt
  21. It is by far one heck of a deer. Congrats man
  22. Welcome. Merry Christmas
  23. I was just thinking the same thing. I got the day off cuz of the weather and thank god I did cuz I have not even started. I just hate being in any shopping place but bass pro. I think they should have ideas for women in there or just hand you something every woman would like.
  24. I have that same thing when I see someone bite into ice cream or start chewing on ice. I cant stand it. It just makes me feel sick.