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Everything posted by hoythunter37

  1. Well I used to work at a hunting outfitter and we have some lease land that might need someone to hunt. I have personally scouted it and hunted it a little bit (but mostly scouted). If you are wanting a lease for a good price I can see if I can get you a good deal. I still work out there alot. or if you are looking for a 5 day or however long hunt I am pretty sure I can get you a really good deal. Its in MO. If you want to know anything else just PM me and I will let you know anything. Matt
  2. Holy cow man!! That is one heck of a deer. I have seen some of the bucks you have killed and dang man I want to hunt ur place. You all must pratice some awesome deer mang. Great buck.
  3. My brother has the remington 870 and it is one heck of a gun! He loves it and I want to steal if from him. I would check that one out for sure.
  4. Congrats to the wife!! That is one great deer.
  5. Holy cow that is crazy!! What an awesome deer. I just had to take a double take and make sure that was velvet on there. That is crazy!
  6. That is looks great!! I love the shell in the nazel(sp) cavity! Very nice buck. It has lots of character
  7. I have a couple goals this year. first I would like to break my record of 28 that I found last year. Two I would like to find more on my property. And Three I want to see my girl friend find at least one. But heck to be honest I would just like to find a couple.
  8. Congrats on the first kill!! The first one is always the toughest.
  9. Holy cow what a deer!! Congrats to the both of ya. He is goin to have a tough time tryin to beat that stud. But way to go!
  10. Yup that is all I have seen and that was this year. But man it would be a sight to see.
  11. Thank you all for the comments. Sorry it took me so long to get back on here just got back from work in Il. What a cold and wet week. It was sure great to come back and see those. Thank you all again! Matt
  12. Sorry guys/gals i haven't been on here since I dont know how long, but things have been crazy since I got done with school. I finally got out into the woods and got my first P&Y the day before our gun season. I just thought I would share my scary/sickening/wonderful experience. Well it was the day before our gun season started and I was talking to my dad tellin him that I didnt know if I wanted to go tonight friday Nov 13, because I was just going to save that day and then hunt all day saturday and sunday. My dad said well if anything you can just go out scout and bring the bow along just in case. Finally he convinced me so I headed up to my family farm. Well I get up into my stand about 2pm and started my wait. I was getting tired by 3 and I had tree rats all around me so I thought I would see if my bow was on. I had one at 17 yards BAM one down. I get down from my tree stand grab my arrow and back up the tree stand I go the time now is about 3:20. I clean off my arrow and nocked it back up time now is about 3:25. After that I have woken up a bit and I got settled back down. All of a sudden I think I hear a grunt. I turn my head and see this doe comin straight for me with 3 shooter bucks and one spike behind her. I draw back on this really tall 10 at 25 yards and he jumps behind some brush so I keep an eye on him to come out and then I catch some movement at 20 yards and see this stud 12 while I am still at full draw. I put my pin on him and release and see my arrow go straight into his guts time 3:33. If anyone has ever been in this position they can tell you that I was so close to getting sick in the stand as I have ever been. He ran off and all I could think was that this was going to be the longest night of my life and I couldnt believe I made that kind of shot. I shoot way better then that and just let my nerves get the better of me. I called my dad and brother and told them what had happen. Well we waited til 7pm or so and went and thought we would just check for some sign and if it was as bad as I thought we would back off till morning. Well we got to where I shot him and found pretty good blood for about 65 yards and there he was laying at 75 yards. Come to find out I hit the liver. If my dad or bother would tell you all that I fell to the ground and just laid there for about 5 min and almost cried over this deer. It was such a roller coaster ride from seeing yourself gut shooting a monster and then come to find out that he only ran 75 yards it was nothing but pure luck to find this deer. Either way I learned three very important things that night. One calm yourself before you shoot, two pick a hair and squeeze the trigger not pull, and three have people there to help you track and drag the deer. lol I know it was a long story and im sorry about that, but I just thought I would share my awesome experience with you all. This is my first P&Y and biggest deer of my life so far. He green scored 147 3/8. (just to let you know I did not score him I had my brother do it.) We are training to become official scorers.
  13. I would have to go with the other guys. but I would have to say high 150's lower 160's on a gross. I say low 60's cuz he doesn't carry out any mass. But his g2 and 3's are pretty long and even his g4 is decent.
  14. Those are some real good bucks. Shooters for sure. But then again what would another year look on them. lol always have to through that question out.
  15. We use alot of both. On our real big plots of about 5-8 arces that have already been disked up in the previous year we just spray and no till drill. But we mostly use a tiller on most of them, then on ground that has never been worked before we use a disk first then the tiller to get a better seed bed.
  16. Heck ya I do!! Never started until this year but so far the past three days I have found 17. 6 perfect and 11 peices. Good times!!
  17. Good job guys and gals!!! I hate to say it but my season is coming to a end on sunday and I dont think i will be able to make it out anymore this season. I have graduation tomorrow and then mothers day on sunday. Sorry i cant contribute to the team!! I really sorry guys.
  18. Lol now that is pretty funny. I like it
  19. That is cool as heck. I have never seen anything like that before, nor have I ever heard of anything like that. Very neat!
  20. Happy B day BIG DOG!!! Hope it was great!
  21. That looks great man. I like the idea of having it being able to move in the direction of where you up your mount. The website looks nice as well!
  22. That is great!! Congrats to a proud dad and a good shootin son hunt!! I am sure this meant alot to your son as well as yourself. I know I always enjoy huntin with my dad!!
  23. That is exactly what I was going to say. people just done loose weapons.