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Everything posted by hoythunter37

  1. Awesome pic's! It is pretty cool to get a turk that close. You know you are doin somethin right. lol
  2. Well I was at work yesterday and one of our guys got stuck across the river cuz the water was way to high to drive through or swim through so we had to come in from the back side. This is when I saw something that is just not any good. I was walking and looked about 3 feet from me and a hen busted up out of the under brush. Well I looked down to where she was bedded down and sure enough there was eggs. I am pretty sure our Conservation department messed up on setting the dates for the turkey season. Our season started last monday and they have already been hened up for over a month/month and half. So I dont know how the rest of the season is goin to be now.....
  3. Dang man that is a nice lookin bow!! And those Radial X Weaves are pretty good arrows. Or atleast I liked them. Congrats!!
  4. Those are some awesome pics. BUt I would have to say my favorite one would have to be the third from the last. That is just awesome you got her in mid jump. Really cool
  5. congrats man that is one heck of a bird!!!
  6. Thats awesome man!! Congrats! I hope you get the results soon!!!
  7. Thats awesome Tim!! Congrats. I hope everything goes well with it and get the draw!!! Good luck big dog and have fun with that ferry!! Hope its not to colorful. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  8. Welcome to RT man. That is one heck of a season! Congrats!
  9. Good luck man!! Dont worry to much about the PT test I have had a couple buddies of mine that went through it and said that it wasnt as bad as they thought. Now that doesnt mean dont take it serious but just do your!! Good luck man!
  10. You were watching that too!!! Good now I dont feel so bad about myself. lol But ya man I wondering that too. I didnt think that either.
  11. That looks awesome Kyle. If I was you I would try to jump on that quick. JMO. I havent ever looked out houses before but I have put plent of additions onto houses. If you get that now and later you want to put a new living room and master bed room on it will cost a bit. But if you ever wanted to sell. With the new additions on and with then land value. IMO it would have a much greater turn around. I hope all goes well man.
  12. Isnt that a Prairie Chicken??? Very nice Pic. Congrats on seeing it!!!
  13. Sorry to tell ya Dakota but that is just how things are in college!! Better get used to that. lol But I just dont understand how he can give you a grade on one paper then you write another one better and he gives to a lower grade. Doesnt make sense to me. He must be crazy! lol Good luck with everything man. I hope your teacher comes around and you dont end up with another one like him.
  14. Turkeygirl I wish I could help ya out. But I am what you call computer stupid!! lol How is scouting goin for ya. I have seen a couple of your post, but is it startin to come together??
  15. Go for it. Heck any information I or anyone else can get there hands on would be great!! Thank you Matt
  16. LOL thats awesome! Congrats on the new boat. I am guessing that you didnt find out anything on the one that got stolen??? Hope you dont get beat to bad. lol
  17. Heck ya man congrats!! That must have been a great experience for you and your friend. It is always good to have something like that with another friend. Me and one of my buddies do the same with opening weekend of bow season. O Great times!!
  18. Sweet!! Thank you all for the input and any other suggestions or recomendations I would greatly appreciate it!! Thanks again! Matt
  19. Picking out some new arrows. After graduation I plan on instead of buying a new truck and to try and save up some money I am going to get myself some graduation gifts to myself. I plan on buying a new Sword Twilight Hunter(camo and .019 pins), a new QAD Drop Away rest, and get some carbon arrows. I am need of some help picking out the carbon arrows. Ever since I started bow hunting I have shot aluminum arrows. I was just wondering if you all had any suggestions on which carbons to get or recommend. Or if you have any suggestions on the rest for that matter. I have a 28" Draw and 65#. Thank you all for the help!! Matt
  20. hoythunter37

    Street Art

    Man that is crazy lookin!! That guy is awesome.
  21. WOW that was a pretty good paper man. To be honest you may have been a little too honest with your teacher. Don’t get me wrong I am all about voicing opinions and everything. But with the way you said your teacher was I hope he doesn’t go against you and tear up your paper. I hope he can read a different opinion and be fine with it, but I know with some of my teachers they can be a little overwhelmed with their opinions and not consider yours. If ya know what I mean. And Awesome paper man. Sounds like you are right on track bud!!
  22. wow that is awesome!! great post!!! she was unbelieveable!!!
  23. I man I am having the same issue. It gettin a little old now. Once i try to go to a new post it always ask me this and i have to always click yes. It didnt do it until this afternoon.
  24. Man that is awesome!! Congrats to the both of you!!! It is always great to see the younger generation get involved and get a bird down!! congrats!
  25. hoythunter37


    Man that is terriable!! I hope they can get those SOB's!!!! Let us know how everything turns out!!!