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Everything posted by Casey

  1. Nothing exotic around here except me Wiliam. Must be a big deer
  2. Casey

    My new spot

    Those tree stands will be gone. This is a good travel corridor to and from bedding and food.
  3. Casey

    My new spot

    This will be my bow spot only next year. There are a few stands in there I have to take out. It's my uncle's property and nobody should be hunting their except for family and close friends. Anyways this place is about 15 acres or so. Surrounded by corn and bean fields normally, friend has a food plot about 500 yards to the southeast. This will be a great place to kill a booner.
  4. First link don't work Try this one http://
  5. Didn't know Caribou was native to Indiana lol
  6. I'm out right now with a 20 gauge. Will bust through any shoulder with my rifled slug rounds.
  7. True. How you been Hoosier Hunter?? Where are you located again?
  8. Yeah I thought of a cold plant plus maybe standing corn.
  9. I am almost sure my uncles would allow this to happen. My uncle's had two strip pits but when a mining company opened up they bought the two pits through a contract. They would get the pits back after so many years. Well the company closed down and the boys got it back. One was still full, the other is dry. This place would be a premiere place for a food plot. It's surrounded by tall meadow grass. Also on the other side of the pit is where the coal mine was at. Now all the grass and weeds have grown up and has provided bucks a sanctuary of beddings. This place is very well hidden and only a few trees are around for a stand. I could see this being a hot spot for late rut. There is a huge 12 pointer that calls this place home. I would like to provide him and other deer to the property in the harsh winters that Indiana can have on an occasion. What do you think would be the best?? I was thinking sugar beets or maybe cowpeas. There are many corn and bean fields around. Like to give these deer more of a selection.
  10. I say when I get one, it will be a halo. Haven't heard a single bad thing about them.
  11. yeah I believe she died once she laid down. After we jumped her up and she cleared the fence, we got back on her trail. Knowing she was being followed by us she wasn't going to stop. It seemed like she would only bleed when she was laying down or standing. I knew she was alive due to the fresh blood we were finding.
  12. the blood was pouring out when she seemed to be standing. He shot her last night with his .385. As we got closer to I told him to load up because the blood seemed to be getting fresher as we made our way. He said when he hit her that night, her left leg was just dangling. I figured he got lung too. Seemed like when she was running there was only a few drops. I believe we would have gotten to her but we decided to drive across the field to the other side instead of walking the blood trail straight out. The leaves and the ground seemed recently disturbed. I told him to load up his gun. I am going to take a guess that this slick head was a 170 pound doe. I believe she was quartering to him but I could be wrong.
  13. Buddy shot a doe last night in the shoulder, we tracked her this morning to find her still alive. His scope was fogged up and missed to put the doe down. She hopped a 6 foot fence. Only time we found good blood is when she standing or bedded down. After she crossed the fence we never saw her again. I think she will live.
  14. Love the bear bows. I haven't shot the bounty before, but I just bought a bear anarchy. you might just have to order it.
  15. I haven't picked out a gun yet, but I do believe in CC permits. I believe we have a right to protect ourselves at all times. People out there that don't believe in this are the ones who want to kill you or control you in some way or another. Police officers can't be every where.
  16. Been away from the bow world for to long. Picked up some accessories last night and some new broad heads. Probably will hit the late rut. Want to be dialed in so I don't wound any animals. Got the best in sand camo.
  17. Casey


    Thinking of trying the RamCats next fall.
  18. Casey

    Hey Everybody

    Adjam, Whats going on?? I've noticed the deer movement here is starting to pick up. I don't deer hunt as much as I used to. I've got into the field trialing of beagles and rabbit hunting. Really enjoy the sound of a rabbit being chased by a pack of o'l hounds. A week ago I was running the hounds, when a big buck came within 15 yards of me. The wind was in my favor and he had no clue I was there. He was huge, maybe in the 170's. Tall and had some of the whitest antlers ive seen in a while. Might have to get back into the stick and string.
  19. Casey


    I always liked the Grim Reapers, but I also like the fixed heads with the NAP Hell Razors.
  20. Casey

    Hey Everybody

    How's everyone been??? Going on a year of marriage in a week. Life has been good for us. Hope all is doing well.
  21. Don't get to see this buck's body but he's at least 230lbs. He's the buck I'm chasing. He's got two kickers on the bottom of his bases.