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Everything posted by Casey

  1. Well I haven't been on here in a while, but wanted to let you know that I've been good and so have my family, hope everyone here is doing good. We had some bad flooding two months ago in my rural town of Shoals. It came close to our place of business, we to move out and I had to live in small motel due to the gas prices being high. Had to stay close to work. This winter besides rabbit hunting like always, I will be hunting geese at my uncle's farm and hopefully with some help of my buddies who has been after me to hunt with them, I'll be shooting my first Canadian Goose this winter and maybe some ducks as well. Anyways!! I wanted to show off my Black Lab pup. He was only 10 wks in this picture. But now is 11 months old and his at a healthy 125 pound all muscle big baby. Hopefully with a little training we can have him haul us some dead honkers in the cut corn!! Have a good summer ya'll!
  2. Not to float off topic on the bowtech line up, but I'd strongly encourage to shoot every bow possible. I am going to check out the Strother Archery line up, heard good things!!
  3. Now thats a slob!! Congrats Craig!
  4. Just because I don't post doesn't mean I'm not around. I have been around, just don't post much more. Unlike you that usually posts just to get a rise out of people.
  5. Been a while since I have been on here!!! I don't get online much and when I do its to check my fantasy football and check facebook. Anyways. Hope everyone has a happy Thanksgving and a hope all is well for you all. GOD BLESS!
  6. I use a bag of mix called Rack up. The previous years and this year they have dug up a three foot prt.
  7. This year I am going to take a four year old 125 and pass on a low 140 split brow tine 3.5 year old.
  8. I made a mistake, I shot a incredible bow at a really high price. I do not want to pay $840.00 for a bare bow, but that bow had all the qualities I like and want in a bow. This bow had zero hand shock vibration, a smooth draw and solid back wall. At 65 pound it felt like I was pulling back a 55 pounds. Time to pull out the check book! Lol.
  9. Have a safe journey and a safe hunt Tony.
  10. I liked the AM32 a lot. Smooth and silent. Deadly combo!
  11. I agree. I also shot the Mathews Monster and all I can say is WOW.
  12. I went to the local bow shop and shot the new Hoyt Maxxis 31 and the 35. They were very nice bow. But didn't compare to the Alphamax 32. I shot the bow dead center into the target without a sight. That bow is so smooth and dead silent. The alpha max will be my new bow come this season.
  13. I like to hunt for mature bucks. I could careless about score. I would pass him.. Good luck Ethan
  14. Hey don't give up on the cardinals yet. Still got a lot of ball left to be played.
  15. Illegal to hunt over one here. I got one sitting on a stump with crab apples and corn close by. O had a trophy rock out by a bean field and they nibbled on it some..... Not to impressed with it too much.
  16. Darn straight. Don't ever sell yourself short brother. The only person that can bring yourself down is you. I know you well enough that it won't happen. Don't give up, keep working at it.
  17. Yah right! Chris let's not go that far.
  18. I might just use corn and leave it standing. I wanted to use turnips and I think they will hit it hard after the first hard frost. There won't be any standing corn unless I plant some andhleave it up.
  19. Looking for a food plot that can compete with corn and beans will hunt this next fall of 2011.. Need to have it for the gun season in the middle of November and late season. Thanks
  20. The best thing about this year has been seeing some nice border line shooters that will tip the scale next fall. Probably going to regret it but I am going to pass the split brow tine buck that I posted on here. He is a 136 two year old. We think he is two, gonna look at him a lil closer... There is a nice eight pt that might score 135 that I will take. I also caught a huge seven pt on the farm. Then on my 45 acres I caught a 2 1/2 year old 125 tall buck. I named him curvy brows. His brow tines curve out. Gonna try and buy the 70 acres that borders us in the next several years. I am excited about this fall, but mire excited to see the split brow tine grow more. I rather be a mature buck hunter than just shoot any big young buck. My computer is down for a while and will have internet access by my cell phone. Good luck and be safe!!!
  21. The more I look at this buck the more I believe the first picture is a buck that is a 2.5 year old with good genetics. I think right now he's a big 135. Gonna let him walk this year and next. In 2012-2013 he should be a slob.