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Everything posted by Casey

  1. Those are some nice bucks. I like the third picture the best, really shows his G2s and G3s. He'll go big!!
  2. I really like the Greens n Raged
  3. Above is a buck I never got on the camera last year, he's a big split brow tine buck. This guy showed up many times on the camera. Below is a buck I know well, he is the Nasty Nine I got last year. He looked to put some more mass and tine length on. One more picture. This shows a lot of bucks at one time. On the right is a really nice buck with a screwed up rack. He's big!!!
  4. With the bad angle on my mature buck post, I think this is him, if it is, then I agree, 200 lbs or 4 years old. I say this buck is a 2.5 year old with good genetics.
  5. Casey

    Should The_Kat?

    Yah it doesn't matter. Kyle is still number one in my heart. Lol....but still a big ol' DB.
  6. Picked a new T/C Omega up at wally world for $277.00. Excited as heck.
  7. William, Nikon, all they say is 10x25.
  8. Who here has success with this?? Besides the right wind, what do you think made the hunt so successful??? I have an idea on what I might do. Thanks.
  9. Check out the new under armour rain suit, very pricey, but looking sweet!!!
  10. I agree there have been clicks on here before. Don't know if there are anymore, but I think about 2 or 3 years ago there were clicks!
  11. Casey

    Pet Peeve.....Rant

    My dad said a buddy of his at work would lick a coke can for three hours to get every single drop. He would lick the can every where!!!! lol
  12. Your high as a kite to think that buck is only 178lbs!!
  13. I still think he is 4 1/ 2 maybe going into his 5th year. This buck is a toad.
  14. Today I bought a pair of Binos, they are small, but very clear! I got them for $69.00. Very nice!!! Got them at wal-mart!
  15. Hey Mike!!!! I still got my post card from too_pointer and Norm!!! I jumped at the chance to help these two guys, get to Alaska and have a lifetime oppurtunity to go out to Alaska!!! I still have the post card and signed by Norm in my room! Good Post Mike I do agree with Kyle though. Kyle has went to other states to support his family, I believe his mind is in the right spot. To be honest with you, all the sacrifices this man has made to help his family out in the future, he needs this bike. I also want to say, he's not a dumby, he knows the risks getting on that bike. I just think people need to back off on their opinions. Some opinions should be heard, others shouldn't have left their lips lol. Kyle knows his family best, we don't. Lets support him and not dictate what we think is the best for him or his family. He knows whats best!!! My two worthless cents!
  16. Back on topic! Answer your phone Ben. And Kyle did you change your number?
  17. I love you Kyle!!! :D:D You my Boy BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. William, I really would like to pass this buck up and see him next fall, but my guts and brain says he won't get much bigger in the antler department, not that I care, but I'd like to see how much this buck weighs. I'm guessing he's pushing 240 pounds.
  19. I think this buck is a mature due to the huge body! I'm thinking 4 1/2 years old. Opinions welcomed! Not much for a score, but I could care less.
  20. I think I must have put the camera a little to high for the bucks that were curious to my camera. I really messed up there, but caught this buck several times, only got to see the rack though. I like to see his whole body to determine his age, but I like the rack. Wish his brows were longer.
  21. Your buddy got raped! Bass pro prices are outrageous.
  22. Yeah..... I shot the mathews reezen when it first came out and loved it. Well a few years later, I am buying one. Picking it up next week at a awesome price. $519.00. Time to get it started.