hungry hunter

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Everything posted by hungry hunter

  1. i use certain clothes that are treated with Permetherin, the sprayed and treated clothes are hung out to air dry and used only when hanging stands, never have had a problem with contact from sweat on these clothes. a few years ago i found a bunch of pine scented skeeter and tick dope for 3 for a dollar at a dent and bent store., great stuff I use that on my boots, called Okeefanookee swamp juice.
  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures Al, appears to have been an awsome trip and experience.
  3. Congrats, I would rather watch Little League and College ball them pro ball anyday.
  4. Its sad day for me and family, My street partner K-9, Gus, is now chasing bad guys on the other side. He would have turned 16 in feb 2012. Gus retired at 10 years got credit for over 50 Felony drug arrests. Spent the last few years enjoying the dogs life digging holes and sassing me when i told him what to do. Was in the TV show Physic Detectives. Rest in peace brother "end of watch K-9, Gus August 14, 2011, you will be missed. Thanks for letting me rant yall. Fred
  5. Valencia, you can get it at any Wal-Mart or Mexican store. great on popcorn, i tend to shy away from anything hotter then the pepper spray on my gun belt for fear of getting a forced labor pain.
  6. Sow with triplets, how cool is that.
  7. Oh yeah, 20 ga is oiled up, bought a couple of wind decoys, got 200 rounds, extra bacon in freezer. lots of birds hanging out by the pond.
  8. MH i am using a NEF 20" barrel in .44 mag ffor hunting in Indiana this fall, don't own a slug gun so its was cheaper and more econimical to have barrel build.
  9. Inside 50 yards I have killed many a hog but no deer, it drops off to much after that.
  10. I am in the same boat, am leaning towards Hornadays Leveraction ammo in .44 the .357 is a little lite 147 gr but i am gonna buy a box anyway to test.
  11. Enjoyed fresh Flounder fillets, grilled t-Bone, and fresh Bay Scallops caught by wife and I.
  12. Sorry Ruth, if I had any that yall did not already know about my handle would not be HUNGRY HUNTER. just kidding all good advice.
  13. thanks yall, I could not find any thing on blade failure or other failures that some folks have had with the rage, the hole is pretty impressive ain't bought them yet just courious about them
  14. I don't want to start another hard comparrison between broadheads, I love using my Muzzy's but am thinking about the G5 T3, does anyone have experience with this particular broadhead? the only thing I have found is they shoot a little low1 to 2 inchs at 40 yards. Thanx in advance Fred.
  15. That's why a bunch of us live in the WOODS!!!!!! no red hatters on golf carts and if they do show up it's called trespassing.
  16. Don't know much about 500, but I did order a .44 mag barrel for my NEF for hunting in Indiana this year. Plenty of power and knockdown for deer at 100 yards.
  17. Since I hunt for meat, if does come buy, then I wll attempt to harvest them.
  18. Been in constant 90's here, ain't stopping from practice, got two standfs set up in the yard which is a oak hammock so its cooler then out in the field, shot 24 arrows last night in the rain but forgot the skeeter dope.
  19. License, additional Gun Barrel's for NEF ordered .44 mag for Indiana in Nov, and .223 for wife to shoot. Oh still waiting for back ordered Predator green deception shirt
  20. Thanks yall, so for I have not been able to tear them up. I also liked the ZEON'S some folks think they are noisy going thru a WB but I can't tell.
  21. T/C black Diamond XR here, I use only Bore Butter on the breach plug never had a proble for 8 years now, also use bore butter on my .32 traditions nipples not one problem there either.
  22. Just my 2 cents, Hunt the way you want too. Me I have been busted too many times using Doe Pee. Now Buck urine during Bow season here in Florida too ME is the ticket. No stress, just hunt and enjoy the woods. Heck I am 0 for 17 during bow season against Bucks not getting busted just missing the shot, darn what a rush!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Attempt to have round 2 with a 130+ 8 pointer, during archery, in florida, in November will join my brother in law in Indiana for a hunt.