hungry hunter

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Everything posted by hungry hunter

  1. Stay warm Kyle, at least ya won't feel any pain with the med's the dentist gave ya.
  2. Amen brother! Have a safe and merry christmas from all of us and the critters of Turtle Creek FarmsII, Fred&Colette.
  3. Thanks yall, After two days, she already has cabin fever and she watched the tree rats eat her plants which angered her even more. She has been a LPN for almost 20 years so they made the worst patient I still smile and do another load of laundry, dishs, ect. Lucky we have good folks in the area, so many had offered help with livestock chores and anything else. I get to cook the ham when I get home tonight, do they make Real Tree aprons to wear in the kitchen/:eat:. Merry christmas to all and please stay safe.
  4. Wife had a damaging incident on her paint mare, the curb chain broke and the the rodeo started so Colette got spun and slammed into the ground while out in the woods. My neighbor called and asked me if I owned a Bay paint horse that just ran by their cow pens with saddle and no rider. Found wife in the woods and she ended up with broken ribs on the left side and her pride hurt. She gets to have a loritab christmas. She's upset cause she has RN finals in a couple of weeks and I get stuck with ALL the chores after a 12 hour patrol shift. I told her OUR vows state for better or worse, sickness and health. Thanks for listining yall.
  5. Saddle up one of horses and go riding. That works for me.
  6. Thanks for sharing the information on hunting the other side of the world. The pictures tell it all. Dawg gone does or ewes, they get ya every time.
  7. I practice out to 70 yards on pie plates at the recommendation of a Elk outfitter, hunting deer 40 yards. I know one day I will have a 6x6 bull in my sights and I will be ready, unless you shake as bad as I do when a deer comes into range.
  8. There are some great confessions and a possible ethical topic. I have learned in my 50 years of life that most folks are honest and do follow regulations weather they be hunting or fishing. Guilty myself of too many tree rats, ducks, fish, until my first runin with the men and women in the silver trucks 30 years ago. Thats like me telling the corner drug dealer I won't take you to jail, but we know different. Merry Christmas folks.
  9. Florida, currently I would give her a 6, if ya took all the big city folks and their attitudes and sent them back them the score would go up. Great fishing, the hunting could use improvement. Most of country folks will still give ya the shirt off their back. The weather well I don't complain. The job market is like every where else, down in the dumps. Taxes are out of control or as I refer to them as "Organized, Legalized, Extortion". Actually considered moving to Montana or Wyoming, Idaho, But wife wants a climate controlled indoor roping areana. that ain't happining. So if ya visit and are on the gulf coast, and the boat ain't broke (currently working) we will go fishing.
  10. Sorry about your camera Anthony, as for hunting like they did in the old days, well back in the old days they used to hang a thief. Just my 2 cents.
  11. Maybe wrong moma, nice pictures.
  12. Still using the bow here, but since the last two rain storms, ya need scuba gear to get to my favorite bow stands, so until the water dries up I have been using rifle.
  13. Working with problem kids, Training horses, target shooting with pellet gun, training dogs, fishing in the gulf (flats), and welding things out of old horseshoes.
  14. Welcome to RT Desert Doc, from one old vet to and active member.
  15. John, I looked at Gander Mountain. The Mossberg 500 in .410 pump was around $277.00 out the door. And there is always NEF for less then $150 single shot.
  16. Thanks Double A, I do think I had better invest in a ton of ammo for this rifle.
  17. Allright all you gun bunnies, I have tried to get more information on blackhills gold ammo (ballistics, trajectory) and have not been able to find it on their website. I am fixin to test the max limits on 168gr, BTHP match. I got dope out to 500 yards and want farther. One answer I did get is that it will drop at least -51.6 inchs at 500 yards with a +2.1 inch at 100 yards, what would be the zero?. The rifle is a Savage FPLE 110 with 22" heavy barrel. I got the rifle currently zeroed at 100 yards and it will touch 5 holes shooting off bipod at this range.
  18. The loss of a 4 legged friend is sometimes as hard as 2 legged family or friend. Sorry for the loss.
  19. I don't shoot a 30-30 personally, but I have a friend that shoots a 30-30 and uses the lever action ammo, when I do see him he is impressed with it.
  20. John, I breed my Lab at 24 months, I think it was her second heat cycle. she had 11 pups on first and only litter.
  21. Awsome pics Kyle, it won't be to long and he will be eating up the slim jims.
  22. Now that ya got all the fish cleaned, what time is dinner? I'll bring the Grits and Slaw.