hungry hunter

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Everything posted by hungry hunter

  1. hungry hunter

    Tooth Pain

    Enjoy the warm weather Kirk, but remember the beer is still cold down there too.
  2. Heck John, like what was already said "Enjoy the Ride". Why do ya think my handle is Hungry Hunter! It ain't from being suscessful. But I do love the feeling.
  3. Kel-Tec P40, with 168 grn gold dot hollow points. DeSantos ankle or on my vest.
  4. Got another question for yall, wife bought me .22 mag Marlin 925, box of 40 gr Dynapoints for ammo. Can't find any data on this round plan on sighting in zero at 50 yards don't know much more then that with or about this round. thanks in advance.
  5. KirkV sent me a book older then me, the 1931 Outdoor life which advertised Browning automatic for $49.79. Thanks the 100 year old trappers book was great. Be safe this year. Fred
  6. I shoot the .308 with one bullet only, 168 gr, boatail hollowpoint match. Have been shooting this load since 1978 like was said, know your rifle and ammo that you shoot, also shoot .270 there ain't nothing that i would not attmept to harvest with either round.
  7. used to live there, the truck ain't packed yet?:gun2:
  8. Sorry for your loss, the LORD does work is mysterious ways, and when its your time, thats it, found my younger brother 3 weeks ago in his kitchen, 45 years old. Again sorry for your loss of friend.
  9. Can't really put the finger on it this year, the other morning it was 22 in the stand, this morning its 64, I still want to hunt in the snow, don't ask why but it is on my BUCKET LIST.
  10. The Smiths Diamond hone in course and fine, there are too many ways and ideals on the proper way and angle to sharpen a knife, I do know a dull knife is dangerous. two cents worth
  11. Check Natchez shooter supplies for some good scopes that may be what ya need and fit your budget. I shifted to Nikkon Omega this year love it got it for 65.00 in the box never used.
  12. Got to agree with the movement, I sat in a stand with jeans, white t shirt and had does moving all around, when i moved game over.
  13. I think they call that HUNTING!!. I lost my first deer this year and was totally sick for days, then to top it off, I used the can call that I have been lugging around for years and had a 130" eight come in on a string. At 15 yards I shoot and hear TWACK, BANG. and the buck runs off. I did not know this buck was part NINJA :ninja: I remember looking at the vitals and how I shot him in the horns is a mystery. Not a drop of blood, shattered arrow and the score is BUCKS 18 FRED 0, dang I do love BOWhunting!!!!
  14. Will be on patrol, catching bad guy's. Probally get a couple of sausages from the Kangaroo.
  15. Personally, I have the Ruger P-90 DC in .45, never had a misfire or jam. I have used it several times to teach Combat handgun courses and Law Enforcement Courses, some say it's too bulky. It has never failed me forget lazer grips, learn REACTIVE shooting just my 2cents concerning lazers.
  16. Thanks yall, I guess i could have done the question better or statement better, Do ya think after months of practice, point blank to 50 yards, pick your spot form is good your eyes still cause the miss since your locked onto the horns even when ya take your eyes off the deer and tell yourself BIG BUCK and he's comming to you. Or can I chock this one up to tobacco withdrawls since I quit all tobacco (snuff for 43 years) 3 weeks ago! thanks in advance yall and thanks for listening.
  17. Been using them for at least 13 years, have had complete pass throughs on hogs at 30 yards and through both shoulders at 40 yards on deer. 29 inch draw, 70 lb bow, vapor 5000 arrows, do the math for KE!! accurate out to 50 yards., with my setup.
  18. The cheap pruning saws that you get at the hardwares stores, about $4.00
  19. Ok here's a tough one, I do know humans do this while driving down the road, our hands will follow our eyes without knowing it. The next thing ya know your in a ditch or hit something. I had a huge buck two days ago estimated at 130 inchs and would have been my first archery buck, when i took the shot he was at 15 yards. The arrow exploded on his horns, no blood at all, shattered Vapor 5000, no fletchings or nock to be found. A friend asked me if I was looking at the horns, I can remember looking at the vital area and sending the arrow and then hearing a loud explosion. Can any body add to this. Black powder opens this weekend and I will be in the same area. thanks yall:confused:
  20. I have had good results with the Winchester 100 gr out of my Remington 700 ADL, have not hand loaded yet, no need to, have dropped yotes out to 250 yards, and lots of hogs to 150. Its all about shot placement. Plan on giving the .270 and .308 a rest this year and use the 243 for deer. Besides am getting older.
  21. got something like that here in Florida called a Hog nosed snake, kinda resemble a rattler but no rattles will shake it's tail against the leaves, when ya approach it it flips over.
  22. Sounds like your getting close to BOW SEASON, John.
  23. I marinade the breasts in Italian dressing then wrap a little bacon for the grill.
  24. I am not allowed to cook Piney Woods Rooter in the house. Outside on the grill, soy sause, dash of Weschestire sause, Creole seasoning, marinade, on the grill at low heat, remember wild hogs are lean, i cook 2 inch chops about 7 minutes each side. So what time is dinner John?