The Bug House

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Everything posted by The Bug House

  1. Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving! I went out before light and sat for a couple hours. It was a beautiful and cold morning. Had a deer walk by me about 30 feet away, but it's so thick where I was all I could see were it's legs. It never showed itself, but I'm fairly certain it was a small Doe that's been hanging around all the time. I know right where she likes to be, so I'll keep that trick up my sleeve for ML'r. I got home fairly early and began the family festivities! After the parade we made up a whole batch of appetizers for lunch and then prepped for the big show, lol. I like to fry a turkey for the holiday, this years came out better than ever, along with some sweet potatoe fries, and all the goodies. After dinner bonfire and then on to the pie! I hope you all had as great a holiday as we did.
  2. Thanks man!! Happy Thanksgiving!
  3. I was just recently reading an article from 1996 where they estimated the number of coyotes in Vermont was around 3000, now F&W estimates around 30,000! Thankfully we don't have a closed season on them, but at this point, that horse is already out of the barn. I get them all the time on camera, and have tried a couple times to shoot one from the stand, but they've been faster than me! Also of interest to me is the difference between Eastern coyote and the Western. More wolf DNA in the Eastern yote...
  4. I missed this somehow! I hope you'll allow me to participate again, I always had fun doing this!!
  5. Counting the minutes here until 12:30, then I'm outta the office and heading right to my stand for this evenings hunt. I haven't been out since our rifle opener on 11/11. We had a inch or two of snow yesterday, and today is blustery with tonights forecasted 15 ... so I will be back out in the morning as well. I managed to catch a glimpse of a small buck opening day, I've had a lot of activity on camera with 8 Does and 3 small legal bucks and a nice wide 5 hanging around. My freezer has been empty for a while, so if it's legal I'll try to take it. Good luck and straight shooting everyone.
  6. Hello everybody ... Planning on attending a Veterans day ceremony at the kids school tonight as well ... we're always grateful to those that have served. As I previously mentioned, I've been out of the game since 2nd week of Oct. we're starting to settle into our new house. Despite the fact I have a list a mile long of things that need to get done, no real urgent projects pending, so I'm spending this weekend in the woods. The weather is looking really good, we got a dusting of snow last night and its supposed to be pretty cold tonight, single digits. I'm planning on sneaking into my spot before light, and sitting for as long as I can stand it, then I'll hike over to a steep south facing ridge that overlooks a trail once I get to cold to sit still.
  7. Hello everyone ... Big weekend for us at The Bug House ranch! After what seems like an eternity we are finally moving into our new house. (It's actually gone fairly smoothly so far) Like I posted last week its a much bigger house, and after 10 years in a tiny place WE ARE READY! Haha. We're moving less than a mile down the road, so kids will be in same schools etc. Don't close until Mon morning, but I met with the seller last night and we're already starting to move our stuff, my weekend will be consumed by lifting heavy objects then putting them down. lol Early archery closes in a week here, I have only been out once since 2 weeks ago. Still very slow, however the landowner sent me a pic yesterday of 8 Does standing right in my lane not 20 yds from one of my stands. Typical. I almost certainly won't get back out until rifle opener mid Nov. I'm planning on setting a ground blind up near where I've found a scrape the past 2 years... Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!
  8. Alrights boys ... Sun night come too dang fast. Busy weekend around these parts, getting ready to move next weekend. We are a family of 6, and boy howdy do we have a bunch of stuff. I've got my buddies 30' enclosed snowmobile trailer packed to the brim and my garage is loaded with stuff ready to go. We've been in a 900 sqft house for 10 years, the new place has about 3000 sqft, and 2 garages and a small pole barn. The kids are excited to have their own rooms and Mama is excited to have her own bathroom. lol I did manage to put a shift in the treestand Sat evening ... but it's WAY to warm here for any movement. It's been terribly slow all over. I had one fawn on camera in 11 days, I'm pretty much hanging it up until rifle season which opens 11/11. Hopefully we'll start to get some cold weather by then.
  9. I sure am glad I don't watch football.
  10. Is that whatcha cell 'em out there? "Anthony's"? lol!!
  11. Oh man, we've had the same weather here ... 4 days of record high's. And I don't mean sneaking one in, I mean records broken by 6 or 7 degrees. 90's in late Sept. around here is unheard of! I had the AC on 3 days in a row! We don't even normally use it that often during the Summer. And in typical fashion, woke up to scattered frost this morning. Looks fairly typical for the next couple days, 60's/30's ... We're still a week out until archery opener. Tonight is the first night with no soccer practice (or game) for the kids in quite some time, so we will probably just chill out at home and watch a movie after dinner or something. 2 games tomorrow morning however. We have been under contract on our house, and a house we are buying, for almost 6 weeks now and things are progressing ... so I imagine we will begin the monumental task of packing things up and make at least a couple trips to the dump. I can relate to how you felt MUDRUNNER, we have 4 kids, and all the craziness that comes along with it. I can't even imagine it any other way though! It'll be 15 years for us in the Spring ... time does fly indeed. Congrats to you and yours!
  12. Heheh ... "banned camp" ... Heheh
  13. The Bug House


    Yessir! FDNY lost 343 members.
  14. Sorry to read this. Best wishes for peace to you and your family.
  15. The Bug House


    Same here, had an extremely busy day at work to boot!
  16. Can't help but think there was a mineral contaminant in the crushed stone ... ? Or maybe not. lol Really cool pic though.
  17. I haven't had a buck on camera since July!
  18. I've never been able to successfully sign on using tapatalk. I've tried several times over the past couple years.
  19. That's awesome. Guys like me are grateful for guys like you.
  20. Oh man, good luck and stay safe! I have several family members on vacation in Yellowstone right now and another separate group of friends in MT on vacation, the pics they're posting on FB are frightening,
  21. Well, we had to reschedule the club BBQ and I couldn't make it. However, I did make them for a dinner party last week, and they came out AWESOME!
  22. Yes, definitely have the Principal in on the meeting. It sounds to me as if his current teacher is completely unaware of his "condition" (For lack of a better term) IMO public education really sticks to the "one size fits all" when it comes to learning style ... especially older teachers. Not that there aren't awful newer teachers and stellar ones with lots of experience. If I was in your shoes, I'd make it clear that her expectations are likely unrealistic and try to identify more obtainable goals and guidelines for him in the classroom. Is he eligible for an IEP? If you don't have one already, it may be worth looking into. 2 of my girls have medical issues, and we have 504 plans in place for them ... I admittedly have little knowledge of an actual IEP, however I believe that once that plan is in place the childs educators, and other staff, are held accountable to that plan. Good luck, I hope the school year smooths out for you guys and your boy has a great year.
  23. Oh Man!! Great pics and beautiful fish!! That laker is a brute! And a gorgeous brookie. Looks like a great trip! Thanks for posting the pics ... now back to work! haha A friend and I are floating the idea of a lodge trip to Canada to fish in the next couple years, something like this I hope.