Shot a doe yesterday at 10:00 in the morning, but could not find her. I wasn't sure how bad but knew she was hit as she hobbled off, so I waited a half hour before getting up. I checked the spot where she got shot and found a little blood and some more about 15yrds away where she went back into the bush. I backed out and headed to the truck to drop some gear and came back to take up the trail. By this time it had been a little more than an hour after the shot. I followed a really decent blood trail to under a blown down tree top, where it looked like she laid down. I managed to pick up a very faint trail from there that worked to the edge of a plowed field and then nothing.
Called for some help and we searched up and down the bush line both directions and into the bush anywhere we thought it was possible she went. We looked until after 3:00, when the snow and wind were too much to handle. I went back this morning to have another look and nothing.
I feel terrible that I can't find her.