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Everything posted by pruts

  1. Wow, that's cool. Congratulations
  2. Congratulations! It's great to see kids having fun. Hopefully some day my daughters will want to hunt with me
  3. Nice birds, and story. Congratulations
  4. Congratulations, very nice
  5. I heard on the radio it was estimated close to 10,000 people there
  6. Nice Tom. Congratulations
  7. pruts

    made it

    Your place looks beautiful. Enjoy the summer.
  8. Very nice, Congratulations to Mollyann!
  9. pruts

    Optima V2

    A friend of mine uses them in his T/C, and likes them. I cleaned his gun once after shooting it a few times one afternoon and would say they burned cleaner than the Pyrodex I'm used to. Liked the way his gun shot as well.
  10. Good job on the bird and the gun as well, both look gorgeous.
  11. Good looking turkey. Congratulations to your brother.
  12. I'm getting excited for sure, still more than a month before the season opens though. I didn't get out much last year due to work, but this year will be much better as work isn't near as busy. Been doing some truck scouting, always looking for good spots to try if my usual couple don't work out. Good luck everyone
  13. Shot a doe yesterday at 10:00 in the morning, but could not find her. I wasn't sure how bad but knew she was hit as she hobbled off, so I waited a half hour before getting up. I checked the spot where she got shot and found a little blood and some more about 15yrds away where she went back into the bush. I backed out and headed to the truck to drop some gear and came back to take up the trail. By this time it had been a little more than an hour after the shot. I followed a really decent blood trail to under a blown down tree top, where it looked like she laid down. I managed to pick up a very faint trail from there that worked to the edge of a plowed field and then nothing. Called for some help and we searched up and down the bush line both directions and into the bush anywhere we thought it was possible she went. We looked until after 3:00, when the snow and wind were too much to handle. I went back this morning to have another look and nothing. I feel terrible that I can't find her.
  14. Sorry I didn't get on here this week sooner. Went and sat all day monday seen a total of 5 deer even though it was really windy, so windy in fact I had to get out of the tree stand and sit on the ground. Unfortunately I missed a doe around 2:00 in the afternoon and didn't see a deer the rest of the day. I was hunting a cut that runs through the entire bush and let a pairof does get to within 60yrds and they spooked, while they were running I got them to stop at about a 100yrds and obviously rushed the shot too much. Been choked about it all week. Also got moved to a new jobsite tuesday when I got back to work that works longer days, so I haven't been able to get out at all after work like I had hoped. Going to sit tomorrow in the same spot as long as I can. weather is calling for almost 10" of snow tomorrow afternoon.
  15. went this morning and put a couple rounds through my muzzleloader, and am all set. Monday is the opening of my 1 week ML'r season and I'm going to sit all day. Weather looks like it should be ok rain and warm forecasted for tonight and all day tomorrow, but not monday and calling for temps in the low 40's.
  16. That sucks bud. My wife had a stone that lead to infections while she was pregnant with our second daughter, while I've never had one personally I have a good idea of what you're going through. Good to hear things are moving along and hope you have a speedy recovery
  17. pruts

    My bro

    That's great! Glad to hear things worked out well for your brother!
  18. Good job, congratulations on your first bow deer.
  19. Some nice pictures dog. You are far more patient than I would be. Hope one you want comes by. Good luck.
  20. Good luck on him MNhunterr. Corn's been coming off steadily here as well. I'm excited to get out after the controlled hunt ends on sunday. Think I'll sneak out after work on monday even though it'll only be for a couple hours.
  21. Congratulations whitetailfreak good looking buck.
  22. Hey all I've been out a couple times but only seen deer that were way out of range. Going to try and get out tomorrow night, if I don't I can't get out for a week for the first muzzleloader season. I don't have a tag for this week, my gun week is the 18th. Good luck everyone. Paul
  23. Checking in, back from moose hunting empty handed. We hunted for nine days and only one guy seen a cow, but we had a bull tag. Had a great week away from regular life though. Congratulations on the doe Dog. Glad the wisdom teeth came out no problem too. I did a quick check of one of my bushes tonight on the way home and it's completely flooded. Going to hunt the other side of the road on saturday afternoon. Good luck everyone Paul
  24. Tonight's the night, we leave at midnight. Good luck to everyone while I'm away.
  25. I have only a couple stands, each on a different farm. One is a small bush maybe only 20-30 acres, but it seems to heavily traveled by deer moving from one bigger bush to the other. The second is much better for gun week due to it's location in a cut that was made for a pipeline to pass through the bush, I got just over 100yrds to either end. That bush is much larger, over 100 acres easily.