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Everything posted by bowhunter97

  1. This is my first time logging in in probably 3 years, I’ve been here for 11 years which is nuts. I used to pop in once in a while but it seems my last post was 2015. Now I have to figure out how to change my picture from when I was 16 to one more accurate (24 now lol)
  2. Any ideas on what the buck I shot in Ohio may have weighed? I'm guessing 230-250 but who knows we didn't weigh him so I'm trying to guess what he weighed
  3. We guessed him about 3.5-4 years old. He was about 250lbs live which is huge when you hunt where a 100 lb deer is big Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  4. Thank you guys. They had to be 120 or better to be a shooter at this outfitter so I don't think he was a bad buck for my first bow buck. He's heading back to South Fl with us to get mounted. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  5. Well my first time hunting out of state since 2010 my dad, his best friend/our hunting buddy and I headed all the way from south Florida up to ohio. Its about a 16-18 hour drive. Our second night my dad and I were each able to tag a does which mine was my second deer ever with a bow and my first deer in 4 years so on a high from that I slept in the next morning and that afternoon we went out and about 6:30 I saw a shooter about 150 yards away walking toward my edge of woods. He hit the point and disappeared so I messaged my dad and out buddy saying I had seen a big buck and when I looked back up he was walked the edge of the tree line. He walked right past the doe estrus I had out and stopped at 20 yards and posed for me. Thanks to my Hoyt Faktor 30 i put that black eagle outlaw tipped with a rage broad head right behind the shoulder. He ran about 50 yards towards the edge of the property line and cut down into the bottom I was sitting on the edge of so I called the guide and he came and decided to wait until the morning to ensure we didn't bump him to the neighbouring property. So we went and looked in the morning and sure enough he made it about 50 yards after he cut into the bottom and I lost sight of him and was laying on the edge of the field which made for easy pick up.
  6. Congratulations on the newest member of the family!
  7. I got a deer with my grandpas rack from a deer he shot years ago tattooed on my back. I'll try and get some pictures up soon.
  8. I change bows honestly just to change bows. I just like setting them up and shooting them then I get bored so I get rid of them lol
  9. What are your opinions on it? I am possibly trading my Martin Lithium Ltd for one and didn't know what everyone thought and I haven't been on much so I figured why not ask haha
  10. I plan on trying to come around more. I just got new strings for my bow, got some new arrows and I'm just about ready for season. It starts August 1st! Y'all about ready for season?
  11. bowhunter97

    Hey guys!

    Its been a while since I've been on here. I haven't had much time with school during the year and working after I got out of school every day. How's everyone doing? I graduated highschool May 29th. Got a new truck (well new to me) and now I'm working 7 days a week and only getting paid for 5! Haha the rest is just around the house we are redoing our kitchen. I just wanted to stop in and see how everyone was doing and to say thank you for all the information I've learned over the past 5 years on here. I'll try to get on more often than not. Anyways thanks and God bless! - Caleb
  12. My season ended on the 4th. I haven't had a day off work since december 13th. Didn't even get to enjoy my winter break from school. I'm not sure what the scoreboard looks like but I hope everyone is doing good.
  13. How's everyone doing? I've hunted a couple times in the past month or so with no luck, have seen a few small bucks but they were out of range and deer I probably wouldn't have shot anyways. Every other day I've been working so I haven't had much time at all.
  14. Hey guys I've gotten out once since season has opened back up. I've been slammed working every day. Hopefully everyone is doing good!
  15. what's up man. I'm sort of late getting back to you haha
  16. bowhunter97


    I try to. Me and two othet guys on here have a bowhunting webshow on YouTube. They both have shot does and have the videos on YouTube Micah (hoythunter831 or something like that) shot a nice buck a week ago and we are just waiting for him to post it. Check us out out page is called Bow Life Outdoors
  17. Sorry for not being on here much recently between work and school I've hardly had time to release an arrow at the target. season opens back up on the 22nd here. hopefully I can put one down. Congrats to everyone on the deer and a huge congrats to Fly on a great buck!
  18. My season shut down yesterday for a month when it opens back up in November we can shoot does for a week then it's back to bucks only.
  19. Congrats. I've been busy with school and working. I went out last Sunday with no luck. Looking to try and get out this weekend some time
  20. Congrats! I saw some nice buck tracks back where I mowed a couple weeks ago. Its time to hunt it again.
  21. We need a cold front to move through down here it's still mid 80s to 90s during the day
  22. Got my failed attempt at food plot pretty well cut today so I need to finish that up then it'll be hunt able again