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Everything posted by bowhunter97

  1. [ATTACH]14117[/ATTACH] there she is in my actual house lol
  2. Thanks! It came in today unfortunatly i have to work after school so i cant open it until i get there.
  3. Yea i liked the elite better than the faktor 30 for sure.
  4. The worst part about it is i shot their flagship bows (creed xs, chillr) and i liked their price point bow the best. So that shows that the bow they promote the most isnt always the best. The draw cycle on the chillr was so stiff. I shot all at 70lbs and the chill felt like every bit of it where the elite felt like 60.
  5. Haha man i havent gotten on too much lately. Is Wstreblo still on here havent seen any posts from him yet.
  6. Haha you and turkeygirl are the only ones that i know of on here that shoot elite. But the answer is silky smooth and i love the back wall. I totally relaxed like i was going to let down and it didnt want to go like most bow want to rip your shoulder out this one just sat there. I like it alot. I dont plan on gettin rid of it for a while unless i get accepted on the bowhunt or die webshow sponsored by mathews because then i'd have to shoot their bows.
  7. As you may have seen I was trying to sell my Hoyt alphamax because I couldnt get used to it well I traded it on archerytalk. My bow+100 for a Bowtech Invasion!!!!!! Haha jk traded it bow for bow for a 2012 Elite Answer! Went and shot the creed xs, zxt, chillr, faktor 30 and the Answer. Creed xs was alright, zxt was pretty smooth and comfortable, chillr i hated, faktor i liked as much as the zxt but the i fell in love with the answer. Silky smooth, phenomenal back wall and it looks sharp too. Well thats it for now. The guy is suppose to ship it out tomorrow, i'll put some pictures up when i get it!
  8. Im not real sure. is out state wildlife sight. If anywhere it'll be on there.
  9. Yea but i cant get a feel for it. I dont know why but i cant get it ccomfortable
  10. [ATTACH]14111[/ATTACH]
  11. I got one for sale in classifieds! Go check it out its a real shooter!
  12. Hoyt alphamax32 60-70lbs 26-27.5 inch draw. Comes with 5 pin truglo sight, ripcord red, stabilizer, and custom strings, cables and wristsling. Pm me what you have if you want to trade. $425 obo buyer pays shipping
  13. Thats about 2-2.5 hours north of me lol
  14. bowhunter97

    my dad

    I know its a little late but im sorry to hear that. I couldnt imagine losing my dad. You're family is in my prayers
  15. ROFL thats great i would be dead on the floor laughing if it had been a video
  16. Tapatalk is workin fine for me
  17. Arrow question. Oh yea my total arrow weight is 325