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Everything posted by bowhunter97

  1. I'm hoping to kill one. I gotta mow my sorry attempt at a food plot and do some work and try to get them back in.
  2. Checking in. First blood is fine with me. For Hoosier and I this is our 3rd contest on the same team. Hopefully I can actually kill one this year. I'm looking forward to a great season.
  3. Exactly. Everyone used to participate and since the upgrades no one gets on. They aren't even upgrades because they aren't making it any better. They should have just left it how it was.
  4. Tapatalk has been fine for me
  5. You'll enjoy it. My Z7 went out today. I should have my vector 32 on Monday or Tuesday. And smha I almost got an invasion that a guy offered me but the guy backed out last minute.
  6. You'll enjoy it. My Z7 went out today. I should have my vector 32 on Monday or Tuesday. And smha I almost got an invasion that a guy offered me but the guy backed out last minute.
  7. This is the slowest year in the 4 years I've been here
  8. I still come on almost every day i havent had luck with a salt block down here but that was a few years ago
  9. Caleb Odom. Bowhunter97 17. FL August 2nd- January 1st i believe
  10. I know ive already posted here but im on my 4th bow this year. None of them were "new" and i hunted with my 2010 alphaburner last year. I traded that in january and got a 2009 alphamax32 then traded that in February and got the 2012 elite answer then traded that for my 2010 Mathews z7. Im happy with this one and will probably hunt with it this year then trade it.
  11. Im using an andriod and use tapatalk. I had it on my iphone then i upgraded to this. I like it because i can go from here to the forums to the archerytalk forums in about 10 seconds
  12. Yea i remember WStreblo pretty much quit getting on here because of the app issues.
  13. I have never used the chat room haha i was told about it but never figured it out
  14. Haha i was just scrolling through the forums and im like "wow this is a bummer" haha i know it gets slow but in the 4 years ive been on here i have usually seen another youngster poking around here and there
  15. I haven't seen any other youths on here in a while. Last year we had a few on here that posted regularly but I think I'm the only one left. Its sort of sad honestly.
  16. Havent seen any other youths on here in a long time.
  17. Im on tapatalk. I have the app but dont use it lol
  18. Thays crazy! Glad yall were okay
  19. Thank yall though i didnt bag a bird i had a great time talkin to everyone on the team. Congrats 3seasons!