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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. My brother who lives in Winnipeg Manitoba went to the grand opening of Cabelas today and meet Troy and Jacob Landry from swamp. He only got to talk to them for a couple minutes but said they were really nice any pretty funny. I guess there were lots of fans there to see them.
  2. Trevor


    I have a trap set just outside the hole where it burrowed under my shed. I set the trap Friday night and still no skunk. What do you guys use for bait.
  3. Have a safe trip and a great summer. I would love to see Alaska someday.
  4. I went into my local gun store today to look at some shotguns and get an idea on price. I'm a left hand shooter and was thinking about a rem 870 but the guy at the store showed me the browning. Seems like a nice gun with the bottom eject and feels nice. Just wondering if anybody out there has one and how they like it.
  5. Trevor


    I took my yellow lab outside last night just before bed time. Our back yard has lots of tree and places for critters to hide. Well I didn't see the skunk but my dog did. Bathing the dog at 10:30 at night was the last thing I wanted to do before bed.
  6. My first was a Zebco that my dad bought me don't remember the model. The first reel I bought myself was a shimano dyna balance.
  7. I learned to drive on my grandparents farm when I was around 14 or 15 years old. My grandpa had an old Chevy with three on the tree that I drove on the farm. Those were some fun summer vacations.
  8. Nice bird congrats I hope to maybe get one on the weekend.
  9. Trevor


    Went into my local shop to order strings and cables on Saturday. They custom make all there bow strings and cables you can choose any color combination. There real busy and was told it would be a couple weeks before they could make mine as lots of orders already in front of me. So I guess I will wait until after turkey season.
  10. I have to cheer for the leafs but I have to agree with you the Blackhawks or the penguins look like the teams to beat.
  11. Trevor


    Thanks for all the input I think I will head over to the archery shop tomorrow and get them to order new strings and cables
  12. Sorry for your lose its always tough to lose a family pet. I dread the day I have to make that decision we have a yellow lab.
  13. Trevor


    Also forgot to ask should you also replace the cables at the same time.
  14. Trevor


    I'm just about ready to replace my bow string. I've been doing a little resource on the net and was leaning towards vapour trail strings. Just wondering what another string company's you guys and gals suggest.
  15. Congrats to you. That was some great shooting.
  16. Check out this crazy hunt.
  17. Great story and congrats to all 3 for you. Nice birds.
  18. Thanks for your input guys, lots of great ideas I never thought about. I'm going out to the club to check out the facilities this afternoon.
  19. I am thinking about joining a local 3d archery club. I have never shot 3d before and was wondering if my hunting setup is ok for a 3d shoot. My bow is a pse stinger, 28 in at 62 pounds shooting Easton st epic 400s. I just want to go out and have fun and meet some new people and maybe join the club.
  20. Congrats to you and your wife. Hope all goes well.
  21. I check in every day and read all the posts. If I can't add anything to the topic I move on. I enjoy reading all the posts and everyone's thoughts.
  22. I hope they take each other out. There both cry babies.
  23. After reading your story I just hope my new 2012 equinox does not end with those problems lol. Looks like your at busy shop. Good luck when you change over to the new job.